Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Music meter

Appreciating music as the universal language of the soul is more of an instinct and should not be tiring. However, dealing with music formally exposes us to a lot of technical aspects that may appear a little complicated especially for beginners who eventually get exhausted in the learning process. But not all technical issues remain confusing. In music studies, meter is perhaps easiest understood. It is almost an automatic information absorbed by a listener without having to look at a chart or any written guide. The simple hand clap or stomping of the feet acquaints our ears so we can easily follow a tune. Even children can be surprisingly responsive to the music they listen to. Because it is fundamental, learning music meter would not take too much of your time. By simply focusing the mind, one can easily go to the next level. Body Music meter is the arrangement of rhythm in fixed, regular patterns with a uniform number of beats [or pulse] in uniform measures (Dudley et al, pp. 240).   At this point, the word ‘timing’ becomes the main concern. Formal musical pieces indicate the meter applied through time signature, which is the fraction number indicated beside the clef symbol at the beginning of the staff or that five horizontal placement lines that hold the notes (Fig 1). The numerator tells us how many basic beats there are in each measure, and the denominator tells the basic duration value of the beat (Dudley et al, pp. 241). It consists of equal divisions and subdivisions translated into counts of 1-&–2-&-1-&-2 (Schmidt-Jones, pp. 3) or ONE two, ONE two (Dudley et al, pp. 241). This depends on the types of music meter used. Fig. 1   The staff, plural form: staves There are actually two traditional patterns of music meter widely used in Western music, the duple, triple, and quadruple, which breaks into simple and compound sub-patterns. For example, the duple pattern have simple duple and compound duple; the same goes for the rest. â€Å"In a simple meter, each beat is basically divided into halves. In compound meters, each beat is divided into thirds.† (Schmidt-Jones) This can be written as: Duple simple  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-2-and-1-and-2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2/4 Triple simple  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-2-and-3-and-1-and-2-and-3   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   3/4 Quadruple simple  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and-1-and-2-and-3-and-4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4/4 Duple compound  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1-and-a-2-and-1-and-a-2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   6/8  Ã‚   (pp. 3) Sometimes, a single piece can contain a number of time signatures. Sometimes, it can contain no definite pattern at all. A music piece that does not follow a specific time signature is called free meter. This is common in Gregorian chants or plainsong, and some cultural music that has distorted beats and pulses, which can be really frustrating for a listener as they can be hardly followed. There are also experimental musicians who does not stick to certain music patterns. Conclusion Music meter is one of the basic elements of music that is evidently easy to learn until we can come up with a professionally designed composition. Musicians and listeners to day has more advantage as music has progressed with a lot of new things to discover and experiment with. One only needs to look a few years back to know its historic details, which can be more interesting than today’s versions. Anyone can even educate themselves about it with the help of comprehensive and concise reading materials. References Dudley, L., Faricy, A., Rice, J. G. (1978) Elements of Music. The Humanities. (Sixth Edition, pp. 238-271). US: McGraw-Hill, Inc. Schmidt-Jones, C. (2007) Meter In Music. Connexions Module, Version 1.7, Retrieved February 15, 2007 from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Unexpected Benefits

In the fourteenth century, the face of Europe was forever changed by a devastating event known as the Black Plague. This plague would rear its ugly head time and again throughout Europe in lesser outbreaks right up through the eighteenth century, when it finally disappeared from the continent for good. However, its initial appearance happened in the fourteenth century, and this debut performance was its most dramatic and destructive.Called the â€Å"great mortality† by contemporary writers1, for the great number of people killed in the outbreak, the term â€Å"black plague† or â€Å"black death† became more commonly used later on as more outbreaks hit the European continent. Carried by fleas on rats, the Black Plague is now commonly thought to be bubonic plague, a disease characterized by sub-dermal hemorrhages that blacken the skin; it is highly contagious and has a high mortality rate. It is thought that Black Plague first entered Europe from Asia, along the si lk roads that merchants used to travel between the continents for the purposes of trade. 4 1Boccaccio, Giovani.The Decameron. Signet Classics: New York. 2002 (reissue). 4Kelly, John. The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time. Harper Collins: New York. 2005. When the Black Plague first hit Europe, the conditions in Europe were ripe for a devastating outbreak. Warfare and a widespread famine that lasted nearly a century had weakened the population of Europe to the point that the people were extremely vulnerable to disease. Famine also hurt productivity by weakening workers, thus further reducing the output of food and other necessary goods; it was an ugly, self-perpetuating cycle.In a population already suffering and on the brink of disaster, the Black Plague, which first made its European appearance in 1347, was a final push toward a dramatic re-alignment of society. Over one-third of the population of Europe was killed by th e Black Plague (and over half the population in Britain). It wiped out entire families, and even entire communities. When it was over, the stunned and decimated population had to face a virtual rebuilding of their entire society from scratch.However, as devastating as the Black Plague was on the inhabitants of Europe, and as hard as things were on the survivors, the Black Plague did have some unexpected benefits for the survivors and their descendants, benefits that would improve the overall quality of life for everyone in Europe, peasants included, for generations to come. One of the most immediate benefits to survivors of the Black Plague was an increase in wages. Before the population was decimated by the Black Plague, Europe had been drastically overpopulated for its resources, resulting in widespread poverty, especially among the peasants.After the Black Plague, however, labor came at a premium, due to the reduction in the population. There were not nearly as many people availa ble to do much-needed work, and therefore those who were available to do it were more sought-after. As a result, wages increased, because employers were now competing for the smaller pool of workers, rather than workers competing for a smaller pool of jobs, as had been the case before. With higher wages, survivors were better able to provide for their families, and the standard of living for many families dramatically increased.In fact, some families fortunes increased so dramatically that they began to live as the nobility did, dressing in fine clothes, living in fine houses, and even employing servants of their own. In some European countries, the nobility were so threatened by the new upward mobility of the peasants that laws were enacted that regulated just what the peasant class could wear and where they could live, so as to prevent the peasant class from mingling with the nobility or trying to become part of the nobility2.In fact, increased opportunities for social advancement were another unexpected benefit of the Black Plague for survivors. Before the Black Plague, Europe was fairly 2Cantor, Norman. In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World it Made. Harper Perennial: New York. 2002. entrenched in the feudal system, whereby peasants worked the land for wealthy nobles, being allowed to take only a small portion of the harvest they worked to bring in for their own use, and being pretty much tied to the land of their patron for life.After the Black Plague, the surviving population realized it now had options. With so few peasants available to work the land, landlords began competing to attract tenants to their estates, a phenomenon that was new in Europe. Previous to the Black Plague, landlords had a self-propagating population of peasants on their land, generation upon generation of families that stayed on the same land, on the same estate, and worked under whatever conditions the landlord set, as there was nowhere else for them to go.Howev er, after the Black Plague, landlords offered incentives for peasants to come work their land, incentives ranging from actual wages to improved living conditions to increased freedoms. In fact, some historians believe that the conditions in Europe just after the end of the initial Black Plague laid the roots of what was to become capitalism centuries later. A reduction in the population also meant that there was an increase in the amount of fertile land available to the population.With entire families wiped out, sometimes noble or land-owning families, their land became available, land that had often been in the same family for centuries. This opening up of new land created opportunities not only for landlords to increase their holdings and attract new peasants to work for them, but also created opportunities for upwardly mobile peasants to become landowners in their own right. With land available for those who could afford to purchase it, many peasants found that their newfound inc rease in wages also bought them the opportunity to become settled on their own land, and, in effect, their own masters.The Black Plague also, in effect, put an end to the century-long famine in Europe. With fewer people to feed, there was more food available for those who were left. The opening up of new, tillable land on which to grow food, the demand for labor that produced more food, and the increase in wages that allowed a family to buy more food, all led to an increase in consumable food available for everyone. As a result of the Black Plague, the survivors became better nourished and healthier, and thus better able to work to produce more food, as well as better able to fight off new outbreaks of disease as they came.Even with an increase in wages and other benefits attracting most of the available workers after the Black Plague, there were still too few people around to work to do everything that needed to be done in the time in which it needed to be done. Therefore, out of n eed, a plethora of labor-saving devices began to be invented following the Black Plague. These devices helped to speed along necessary work, and reduced the number of people necessary to complete certain jobs. The spinning wheel is an excellent example of this.The spinning wheel was a post-Black Plague invention that dramatically reduced the time and effort involved in turning wool into thread. 3 With more thread able to be produced more quickly than by traditional methods, cloth was able to be weaved quicker and in greater quantities, thus creating an abundance of fabric available for sale and for personal use. Springs and gears were invented to control the hands of clocks. Horseshoes and spring carriages were invented that eased the burden of travel and increased its efficiency.Three-crop field rotation was invented, which increased farming efficiency by dropping the old idea of individual farming plots and introducing the idea of open-field communal farming. In addition, heavier plows with wheels and horizontal plowshares were invented, which saved much time and labor in the process of farming. Finally, the ultimate of all medieval inventions, the printing press, was invented post-Black Plague, an invention that saved an enormous amount of time and energy by ending the need of copying books by hand, thus making the written word more widely available to the general public.3 3Herlihy, David. The Black Death and the Transformation of the West. Harvard University Press: Cambridge. 1997. The effects of the Black Plague were felt in every facet of life, not just social and economic. The Black Plague utterly changed the face of life in Europe forever. The plague even affected the art of the times. Whereas before the Black Plague, religious themes were the most common topic of art, after the Black Plague, a more pessimistic feeling pervaded a society that was terrified of the plague returning.As a result, themes of death became dominant in the artwork for more than a century after the plague. The prestige and authority of the Church were also negatively affected by the Black Plague. Because the church was not able to cure victims of the plague, or even explain what was causing the plague, cynicism of the church grew among the populace. As a result, many sought out alternatives to the traditional church, particularly through smaller religious cults such as self-flagellants (who flogged themselves in atonement for the sins that supposedly brought on the plague).Others sought out secular solutions to ending the plague. Further, because so many monks died in the plague (from living in close quarters and from generously tending the sick), the church experienced an influx of new, less dedicated clergy, who were more opportunistic than the old guard, and contributed to an upcoming period of severe corruption within the Catholic church that eventually led to the Protestant Reformation. 2While the Black Plague was a devastating event for all of Europe , killing millions, it left behind conditions that lead to some positive changes in European society. While wiping out entire families and towns, the Black Plague nonetheless created a fertile ground for economic improvement and upward social mobility for the underclass in its wake. The Black Plague led to the downfall of the feudal system and created the conditions that later ushered in the Age of Enlightenment.It ushered in a new age of labor-saving inventions that changed the face of production in the world. Because it was such a powerful force on both society and the psyche, the Black Plague also ushered in an era of change in both art and religion, changes that eventually led to the Protestant Reformation, which in turn led to the founding of America by the Puritans. The Black Plague, though it destroyed, also provided the seeds of sowing something new and good. 2Cantor, Norman. In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World it Made.Harper Perennial: New York. 2002. B ibliography Boccaccio, Giovani. The Decameron. Signet Classics: New York. 2002 (reissue). Cantor, Norman. In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World it Made. Harper Perennial: New York. 2002. Herlihy, David. The Black Death and the Transformation of the West. Harvard University Press: Cambridge. 1997. Kelly, John. The Great Mortality: An Intimate History of the Black Death, the Most Devastating Plague of All Time. Harper Collins: New York. 2005.

Monday, July 29, 2019

'Indigenous peoples are adequately protected by the international Essay

'Indigenous peoples are adequately protected by the international human rights law framework'. Discuss - Essay Example They are now minorities but they still have their ancestral territories and their ethnic identity as the basis of their continued existence as people. They live in accordance with their cultural mould, social institutions and legal systems. They are considered to be the caretakers of the most various biologically territories in the world. World’s linguistic and cultural diversity all originated from them and their traditional knowledge has been the source of invaluable benefits of mankind (United Nations 2009). To date, there are about three hundred ninety million indigenous people in ninety countries. However, indigenous peoples continue to endure racial discrimination, they are greatly marginalized and live in extreme poverty and usually conflict. The situation of the indigenous people in different parts of the world continues to be problematic. Systematic discrimination ranging from political and economic power continues to burden their peaceful way of existence. They are o ften victimized by invasion of their ancestral lands destroying their livelihood. Worse, they have been victimised by development aggression. In most less developed countries, they are being uprooted from their communities to pave the way for development such as mining activities. Not only that governments have abandoned them, but most of the time, governments work in connivance with big foreign capitalists to invade and take over to their ancestral lands. They have fallen victims of wars, militarisations which have led to massive displacement. The indigenous peoples depend on land for their lives, culture and identity. They live in a system that the whole community lord over the lands, territories and natural resources and that they only manage them. However, since the period of colonisation, the indigenous peoples have been constricted, deprived and driven away from their lands. In extreme cases, they have even been completely extinct or assimilated. Their belief systems, cultures , languages and ways of life are usually either being ridiculed, threatened or extricate. Rape and sexual humiliations, especially in times of armed conflict had afflicted to women for ethnic cleansing and demoralization of tribal communities. Indigenous women are particularly at risk to sexual violence. Access to the right to education has been has been a perennial problem. And to some ho can have the access to education, the prevailing culture within the educational institutions is oftentimes harsh ethnic and cultural differences. It has caused poor performance and higher dropout rates. Thus, the sector of the indigenous people was pushed back lower and lower to extreme level of poverty and hunger. International Human Rights Law, hereafter referred to as IHRL has recognized these threats, these serious problems and have provided various and different forms of solution in protecting and preserving the indigenous people. But are these enough to say that IHRL do protect the plight of the indigenous people? Can they truly guarantee protection, from the truest sense of the word, to the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

IT and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

IT and Society - Essay Example E-mail and instant messaging is also an effective way to communicate by sending and receiving messages. An optimistic view of this is that information technology promotes communication between people and must therefore help to spread social and international understanding. People who are thousands of miles apart, either literally or socially speaking, can communicate through 'chat' groups, bulletin boards or e-mail; they can obtain information on different ways of life through World Wide Web sites and even experience the 'virtual reality' of other ways of life through interactive programs. More efficient production using IT creates more wealth, which can be shared amongst all the groups concerned. It can thus be argued that the technology has a built-in bias in favour of reducing social and economic divisions. (Tansey, 2002, p. 214) Perrons (2004) holds the opinion that technology develops within specific sets of economic and social arrangements and technological possibilities are not realised automatically, that is social change does not automatically follow technology. Indeed the technology underpinning existed and was being implemented in the 1920s, but sustained accumulation did not follow. Changes were necessary in the prevailing mode of regulation, that is in the institutional arrangements within which individual and social reproduction takes place. (Perrons, 2004, p. 131) Perrons (2004) further states that the precise effects of e-commerce on economic and social development are contingent, varied and rapidly changing and therefore need to be explored empirically. The same processes or technologies that allow small firms access to world markets, which may enhance local development, simultaneously give peripheral consumers access to firms in the centre thereby facilitating the development of 'superstar' firms, and in turn potentially promote superstar regions. (Perrons, 2004, p. 180) In a broader spectrum IT helps telecommunications (TC) and networks to constantly implement to support organisational goals. Stair & Reynolds while providing an IT implementation example explains: suppose a business needs to develop an accurate monthly production forecast. Doing so requires a manger to download data from customers' databases of sales forecasts. TC can provide a network link so that the manager can access the data needed for the production forecast report, which in turn supports the company's objectives of better financial planning. (Stair & Reynolds, 2001, p. 146) The more individuals and organisations grasp the nature of the technology and its possibilities, the greater the probability they can influence the direction of change. A modest hope is that increased communication and a greater pooling of information should in the long run make it easier for people, organisations and states to reach, if not a consensus on what should be done, at least informed compromises on how to live together. (Tansey, 2002, p. 214) Presently, IT has enabled our social system to confront with social change in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Public-Private Partnership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public-Private Partnership - Essay Example These societal problems, as well as the inherent conflict of interests between the public and the private sector, are typified by a great extent of wickedness. Wicked problems are those conflicting matters confronting the public sector that demand a consolidated partnership by public and private sectors. The civil society, industries, and governments are not capable of addressing these problems independently (Dewulf, Blanken, & Bult-Spiering 2012). A wicked problem is complex, rather than just complicated, it is often intractable, there is no unilinear solution, moreover, there is no ‘stopping’ point, it is novel, any apparent ‘solution’ often generates other ‘problems,’ and there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer, but there are better or worse alternatives. Wicked problems within public-private partnership are characterized as recurrent or persistent problems, often defined by indecision and conflict over interests or purposes that could influence the process of decision-making (Hodge & Greve 2005). According to Grint (2005), there are no simple solutions to these wicked problems confronted by PPP. Remarkable progress can be achieved in mitigating them, but they will not be totally eradicated. But the question is, why are PPP problems considered wicked problems? First of all, organizing or forming PPP is complex due to the challenge of bringing together the objective and interests of the numerous stakeholders— the private sector is composed of lenders, investors and firms supplying operational and construction services; on the other hand, the private sector is made up of public officials developing and enforcing PPP guidelines, those acquiring the PPP, and the public or citizens who utilize the infrastructures that a PPP offers (Biggs & Helms 2007).

Let Me Say It Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Let Me Say It - Essay Example Moreover, the family and the society is always engaging to bring out the best among family members (Kragen). It has been observed that the continuous communication maintain cohesion among nation and where there is breakdown of interpersonal communication there are tension that lead to conflict. Moreover, the process of communication is influenced by what one says (Interpersonal Communication and Personality). The respondent analyses the message he receives and respond to it appropriately (Kragen). ‘Interpersonal communication is irreversible’ (Kragen). Once people act or communicate to other people it is not possible to erase or reverse the process. For example when a person send out an email it is not possible to withdraw what has been sent. Moreover, it is impossible to forget peoples behaviors learned through communication exchanges. Furthermore, it is impossible to undo an act or unsee things already seen. The communication process in interpersonal communication cannot be restarted and presenting a new version of a story does not erase a previous good or bad episode. Therefore, what people communicate become a behavioral sequence of interpersonal communication

Friday, July 26, 2019

Executive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Executive Summary - Essay Example This has given rise to an â€Å"imperialistic form of a mindset† where the existing products are sold to the established markets in the global markets. By the maintaining the focus on the affluent consumers and some partner-organizations who participated actively in the formal economy, it implied that much of general consumer capabilities were being taken for granted. Low-income markets also referred to as the base of the economic triangle offers both tremendous opportunities to tap despite the unique challenges. In the recent years entrepreneurial firms from developing markets seem to have noted a loophole in the global market that when capitalized on can aid in the tapping of the untapped sectors of the market. Tapping on the opportunities and challenges at the base of the economic pyramid (Sirkin, Hemerling, & Bhattacharya, 1996, pp73). The opportunities linked with the market at the base of the economic pyramid are gradually becoming significant to both business managers a nd scholars. There is evidently more than meet the sight when considering the consumers having annual purchasing power parity of 1500 dollars or even less (Hymer, 1976, pp27). In fact, any business trying to find its footage in a new environment is bound to face quite a number of challenges. As a business strategy for new global ventures, entrepreneurs have been turning on to partner organizations for resources and expertise they are lacking (Stiglitz 2002, pp67). Just as is the requirement by most governments, it becomes indispensable that the new entrants in the global market have a corporate partner in the host country who will ensure market accessibility in the new economies. Moreover, the entrepreneurial firms that are entering the base of the pyramid strata of market economy have had to expand dramatically the field of potential alliance partners (Sharma & Vredenburg, 1998, pp729). According to the research work conducted, it is evident that the base of pyramid strategies that were successful relied so much on the partners who were non-traditional. Examples of such partners include the community groups, non-profit organizations, local or rather village level governments (Smith 1976, pp92). The strategies that turned out to be quite unsuccessful relied majorly on the traditional partners who included the national governments as well as the well-established local companies. This could be explained by the reasoning that the traditional partners are far removed as regards to the business knowledge of the low-income consumers (Ghoshal & Nohria 1989, pp327). Having a variety of non-corporate partners is also another strategy that has been employed by the entrepreneurial firms venturing into new global markets. These partners provide pertinent information as regards to the targeted customers and the general business environment that can be hardly found in the corporate sector. This process goes as far as the typical focus on the suppliers and customers. As post ulated by Hart and Sharma (2004), the greater the lack of certainty about what sought of knowledge is imperative, the more the importance of radical transaction is increased. This entails the ability to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Choose two composers from two different musical time periods Research Paper

Choose two composers from two different musical time periods (Renaissance, classical, etc then compare their upbringing, education, legacy and musical compositions - Research Paper Example The earliest signs of Renaissance music appeared in the early 15th century. On the other hand, both the Classical and Renaissance periods were characterized by a lot of composers. In light of this, the paper will focus on analyzing the upbringing, education, legacy and musical compositions of Giovanni Gabrieli (Renaissance era composer) and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Classical era composer). Giovanni Gabrieli was an influential Italian organist, composer and teacher during the Renaissance period. He is primarily acknowledged for his holy/sacred music which includes instrumental motets and a massive choral work for the liturgy of the church (Kenton, 1967). Venice is Gabrieli’s birth place. His father hailed from Carnia and moved to Venice before the birth of Giovanni. Giovanni studied under his uncle (Andrea Gabrieli) who was himself a composer. In fact, it is believed that his uncle brought him up since Giovanni commonly referred himself as his uncle’s son. Next, he studied with Orlando de Lassus in Munich at Duke Albert v’s court. Consequently, Lassus had a great impact on Gabrieli’s music. In 1585, Gabrieli became Saint Mark’s Basilica’s main organist after the post was left vacant by the exit of Claudio Merulo. Also, he became the principal composer after the demise of his uncle. Subsequently, Giovanni commenced editing and compiling his uncle’s work who had no inclination or urge to publish his work. Thus, he saved his uncle’s work which otherwise would have been lost (Charteris, 1987). Additionally, Giovanni became an organist at Scuola Grande di San Rocco; a post he held for his whole life. This post contributed positively to his musical career since San Rocco was among the most wealthy and prestigious Venetian confraternities. The San Rocco organization was utilized by renowned composers who often performed there. A vivid description of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My Learning Styles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My Learning Styles - Assignment Example I brought a paper, pen and my laptop as tools of learning. This results from the fact that I learn in different ways and could simply come to class to listen. In line with argument, it is vital that the teacher note that students learn differently, and it is their responsibility to accommodate all types of learning styles (Green, 2014). Technology can really assist with the concept of mixed learning styles. My learning style is visual learning, as I scored 60% of the total results. I was indeed not surprised about the results and I do not think that I only use the visual learning style exclusively as the auditory and tactile styles take up 10% and 30% respectively (Lecture notes, 2015). From the results, I realized that I learn through reading and seeing pictures and I mostly recall lots of things through my pictorial memory. At most times I learn through picturing the contents in my head. Simply put, my method of learning is primarily visual and I always prefer seeing what I learn. Interestingly, being a visual learner, I am very clean and neat. In the course of learning often close my eyes to recall various aspects, and in cases when I learn without watching a visual item, I get very bored and will barely follow spoken directions, instead get distracted by sounds. Colors easily attract my attention as opposed to stories that absolutely lack imagery. So as to improve my ability to learn as a visual learner, it is recommended that I sit in front of the classroom, have regular eye checkups, use of flashcards to learn new vocabulary, code things using color as well as avoid distraction during learning. Additionally, attempts to visualize things that I hear or things that are read to me, writing down main words, ideas, or instructions and drawing pictures that help expound on new concepts and then explain the pictures may prove useful to my learning (Lecture notes, 2015). Lastly, I learn how to remember that I need to see things and not

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE - Essay Example by the UK, US and its coalition members was seen by the Arab media and religious leaders as an initiative to annihilate the Iraq to safeguard the Israel, to control its oil fields and to foster animosity between shiis and Sunnis. Muslim leaders disregarded the claim of USA that war in Iraq was to put an end to use of WMD by Saddam, to severe Iraq’s connections with the Al-Qaeda, to declare Iraq as a democracy, to castigate Iraq for failure to comply with UNO’s Security Council resolutions and to throw out an unruly dictator1 . Information collection inside Iraq is seen as a most challenging job as Saddam is the most enigmatic and tyrannical leader in the world2. As per Dr Gary Samore, the record of gathering information by Western intelligence agencies on Iraqs various weapons programmes is very meagre3. The decision to go to war in Iraq was based on human rights abuses and its weapons’ programmes. UK war on Iraq was based upon current and serious threat† from Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The prime objective remains to rid Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction and their associated Programmes and means of delivery, including prohibited ballistic missiles, as set out in the relevant United Nations Security Resolutions (UNSCRs). On 24 September 2002, a dossier was published by the UK Government containing its evaluation of Iraq’s programmes to build up WMD (the ‘September Dossier’). The Government’s dossier of September 2002 sets out in detail Iraq’s history of production, use and concealment of chemical and biological weapons, and its pursuit of a nuclear weapons programme. UNSCOM’s final report of 1999 the then Executive Chairman concluded that Iraq continued to hide substantial information about prohibited p rogrammes and probably continued to develop them. The Iraqi chemical industry could produce mustard gas almost immediately, and limited amounts of nerve gas within months4. As early as in 1980s, it has been suspected that

Monday, July 22, 2019

Written Assignment for Industrial Technology Essay Example for Free

Written Assignment for Industrial Technology Essay 1. The written assignment for Industrial Technology has continuously posed a level of difficulty for some students and teachers who are required to contend with the CSEC practical areas. In light of this challenge the following presentation has been created to give a better understanding of the procedure to follow. 2. In order to successfully complete written assignments candidates must firstly become aware of the requirements of this component. It is very important that each candidate is not only provided with these requirements (which include background and mark scheme) but also that teachers utilize a session or two to explain thoroughly the steps to be followed. Guides presented to candidates should include the following: 1. Background to written assignment 2. Mark scheme [Samples shown below] THE WRITTEN COMPONENT The written assignment will take the form of a report of about 1000 – 1200 words based on the common modules. These are: Safety Health Welfare Introduction to Computer Impact of Technology on Society Candidates are to demonstrate their full understanding of the concepts relating to these modules. They should produce a report that uses word-processing technology. Candidates may also use other software packages (Spreadsheets or databases) to do any analysis that may be necessary to enhance the presentation of the report. The report should be a critical analysis of a particular institution, business or theme that has relation or relevance to the Unit(s) or Subject(s) being studied. It is suggested that one of two approaches be used. 1. Industrial visits Preparation of a report on a visit to an industry or industrial site. 2. A report on a particular theme that is relevant to the Unit(s) or Subject(s) being studied, for example, – Transport – road, air, rail or water; – Communication; – Manufacturing; – Service industry. The report should include drawings, and photographs, wherever these are relevant, in addition to the written material. The report should address the areas listed below. – The jobs or careers involved in the particular institution or theme that relate to the Unit(s) or Subject(s) being studied. – The norms, regulations and codes of which employees in these areas must be aware and to which they must adhere, because of legal, financial, strategic or other considerations. – The impact of technology on the careers identified and the processes involved as they relate to the Unit(s) or Subject(s) being studied, for example, employment vs. unemployment, self-employment, security considerations, methods of processing and environmental considerations. – Ethical and moral considerations. A critical look at the environmental issues, employment practices and safety, health and welfare issues as they are addressed. 3. If the candidate is studying: (i) One Unit or Subject only, the report should address the areas listed in point 2 above which are relevant to that Unit only. (ii) Two or more Units or Subjects, the report should address the areas listed in point 2 above which are relevant to ALL the Units being studied. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY *Table outlining the breakdown of marks for students completing one, two or three units/subject. Interpreting guides and mark scheme It is important to note that unless the report is prepared according to the guides and mark scheme given, students will find it difficult to score points for this component. As such strict adherence to the instructions given through the documents above is critical to the successful completion of this piece. INTRODUCTION OF THE WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT The introduction of the written assignment consists of two areas, namely: 1. Topic outlined briefly and, 2. Methods/approach at data collection. Based on the breakdown of the mark scheme the introduction asks for two specific pieces of information and values 2 marks, one for each. It is therefore unnecessary for candidates to be lengthy in this section. Example 1. The manufacturing of ordinary Portland cement at Carib Cement Jamaica Limited. (1 mark) 2. The following approaches were taken in gathering the data: i. A guided tour of the plant ii. Video presentations iii. Use of questionnaires iv. Interviews conducted with personnel (1 mark) CONTENT As outlined in the mark scheme, candidates are required to identify the different careers at the industry that they have visited. In the case of the theme approach, candidates will naturally identify those careers associated with that area of specialization also including support staff that would aid in the successful running of such an establishment. All candidates are required to do here is to list the careers. Evidently only one mark is allotted for this section. Creative ways could also be employed if so desired by candidates to present this information. E.g. Organizational charts. The norms, regulations and codes to which employees must be aware and to which they must adhere because of legal, financial, strategic or other consideration. Again this other item values only one mark on the mark scheme, hence candidates are not expected to be lengthy. A good approach to take here is to break down the heading in order to sufficiently address each component. Example: Norms Norms speak to the customary operation of the plant and especially employees from the time of ‘check in’ to the time of ‘check out’. The operations here could be itemized with an indication of the time in which they are carried out. E.g.: 1) Employees check in at security post for processing 8:30 AM 2) Employees report to departments. - 9:00 AM Regulations Regulations speak to the set of rules to which employees must adhere. These rules must be linked to the daily operations carried out by employees. In presentation these regulations could be tabulated with possible photographs of signs mounted on the plant. NOTE: There are points allotted separately for pictures, tables and charts. Codes could also be addressed at this point. These can be described as a systematic set of laws which quite often govern both behavior and safety. Pictures of codes identified on site could also be used to enhance presentation. Impact of Technology on Careers The impact of technology is essentially seeking to identify the negatives and positives of the use of the equipment on the plant (especially if newly introduced) and the effect that these have on the existing careers. However, candidates are required to speak specifically to the impact as it relates to the following areas: 1) Employment vs. unemployment 2) Security or processing 3) Environmental If an actual tour of an industrial plant was conducted then the information needed in this section could be collected with the aid of interviews, questionnaires or observation of operations. If the report was completed from a theme then candidates would naturally identify possible effects that could arise as a result of the introduction of new technology. As it relates to employment vs. unemployment, candidates are required to say whether jobs have been lost or jobs have been gained as a result of the introduction of technology. In terms of security or processing, candidates will select one of these and identify technological features/devices that are used in these areas striking a comparison with manual methods which were previously employed. Industrial plants are popularly known to have a deleterious effect on the environment especially where the emission of waste is concern. The candidate at this point is to explain what technological feature if any is used to control these emissions and elaborate briefly on its effectiveness. How ethical and moral considerations are addressed This section speaks specifically to two areas, these are: 1) Legal polices on safety, health and welfare. 2) Moral approach in handling safety, health and welfare. A legal policy in this context can be defined as a prudent course of action employed by an organization. This prudent course of action seeks to outline how situations/developments are handled within the establishment. At point 1) above candidates are required to list the legal policies employed by the establishment/industrial plant which address safety, health and welfare. These policies may vary from organization to organization but in this case could include: 1) A safety and health policy. 2) Welfare policy developed through the human and resource department in the establishment. (Information below seeks to give further details on safety and health. Kindly peruse) Safety and Health policies Safe and healthy working conditions do not happen by chance. Employers need to have a written safety policy for their enterprise setting out the safety and health standards which should be their objective to achieve. The policy should name the senior executive who is responsible for seeing that the standards are achieved, and who has authority to allocate responsibilities to management and supervisors at all levels and to see they are carried out. The safety policy should deal with the following matters: 1) Arrangements for training at all levels. Particular attention needs to be given to key workers such as scaffolders and crane operators whose mistakes can be especially dangerous to other workers; 2) safe methods or systems of work for hazardous operations: the workers carrying out these operations should be involved in their preparation; 3) the duties and responsibilities of supervisors and key workers; 4) arrangements by which information on safety and health is to be made known; 5) arrangements for setting up safety committees; 6) the selection and control of subcontractors. Safety organization and management (policies) must cover all aspects of the employer’s or the contractor’s operations Moral Approach in handling safety, health and welfare Moral approach in handling safety, health and welfare has to do with how employees are treated by the establishment. Candidates at this point will identify the initiatives within the organization/establishment which have been developed for employees under the heading of safety, health and welfare. These could include: 1) Health care for employees and family. 2) Provision of safety equipment for employees. 3) Insurance packages for employees. PRESENTATION Seven points are allotted for presentation and in order for students to score maximum they must meet all the requirements outlined in the mark scheme. Keen attention must be placed on the use of tables, charts, pictures and diagrams to present data. The instrument selected can be used to represent any data that the student wishes to highlight. All areas to be addressed under introduction and content should be treated as headings and subheadings thus improving the presentation of the report. COMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION This area deals with the communication of information in a logical way using correct grammar and appropriate jargon of the field. All of twelve marks are allotted to this area and as such teacher is expected to monitor students closely ensuring that all the requirements outlined are adhered to as much as possible. SUMMARY This segment of the report carries (2 marks). These are separated evenly between two areas: 1) Major findings 2) Recommendations Major Findings This is where students will highlight any area of plant operation that they might consider to be outstanding. This could include new technology which leads to greater efficiency. Recommendation This is where students identify possible strategies/initiatives which could serve to improve operations in the areas of concern.

My Childhood Essay Example for Free

My Childhood Essay When I started pre-school, I found it difficult to speak English because I spoke Chinese at home. I was distracted and frightened when I attended school in our Los Angeles neighborhood, and crime was a constant concern for us. It worried my parents to see that I was losing interest in school, so they moved me to Chino Hills after I finished 7th grade to live with my sisters, hoping that the environment would be a better place for me. The different atmosphere I was in changed my perspective on education. The students in Chino Hills are very competitive in their academic pursuits which motivated me to try harder and work up to my potential. The realization that a different environment can make a huge difference brought much confidence to me; I began developing better judgment and making better decisions toward my education. As I approached high school, I was beginning to understand the importance of an education. Although my parents remarks about school were simply for me to behave, I knew they also wanted me to have a good educational opportunity. My first year as a freshman in high school was difficult for me; it became evident that I didnt know how to manage my time. As every con has a pro, I knew that time management was no exception. Mastering the art of time management can reap great rewards, and by ignoring it I found myself facing great disappointment with my grades. At the end of the day, I tried to reflect on my performance and soon realized I have accomplished little. In my sophomore year of high school, I began to manage my time more wisely and took my education more seriously, and realized that it did not take much to use time management in an efficient manner; but the rewards were fulfilling because my grades had greatly risen. My course work and grades became obvious to me that I still had trouble managing my time. I soon started to decompose my goals, making it possible to tackle them one step at a time and realized as I progressed, my time management bettered. During my junior year, Procrastination was the biggest barrier to time management I had to face. I found it difficult at times to start working; however, I realized not working was related to the fear of poor results than it is to the actual difficulty of the work. My junior year gave a spark to my life; it helped me create a target to aim for, which is to attend a top 4 year  University and pursue my dreams in the medical field.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The National Innovation System Management Essay

The National Innovation System Management Essay Firms describe innovation an essential factor to increase sustainable profits and market share due to the rapid globalisation and commoditization in goods and services (Westland, 2008). Miozzo and Walsh (2006) also state that firms effectiveness in competitive international trade in goods and service depend on two factors, which are: The scale of RD and other technological activities. The way in which the available resources are managed and organised both at the level of enterprise and at the national level. Thus, National Innovation System (NIS) will enable a country with limited resources to make rapid progress through suitable combinations of imported technology and local adaption and development (Freeman, 1987). With these combinations, national firms will transform to a market leader and countrys economy to flourish. Hence, in my essay, I will define meaning of NIS, my understanding of systemic aspect of innovation and discuss the different institutions involved in NIS in section 2. Section 3 and 4 will discuss how interaction in NIS can affect the innovative performance of national firms with a case study of Taiwan innovation system in section 5. Lastly, section 6 will provide a conclusion of my findings, and the gaps identified for future research. National Innovation System Since the 1980s, various authors (Freeman, 1987; Lundvall, 1992; Nelson, 1993) studied the concept of national innovation system (NIS) which is used as a main conceptual framework for analysing technological change, and to lay the foundations to improve the economic development of a nation. NIS can be categorized under narrow and broad definitions. The narrow approach (Lundvall 1992) is further defined by both Nelson (1993) and Freeman (1987). Freeman (1987) defined NIS as The network of institutions in the public and private sector whose activities and interaction initiate, import, modify and diffuse new technologies and Nelson (1993) defined NIS as a set of institutions whose interactions determine the innovative performance of national firms. Lundvall (1992) defined the broach approach of NIS by saying that NIS includes all parts and aspects of the economic structure and the institutional set-up affecting learning as well as searching and exploring the production system, the marketing system and the system of finance present themselves as sub-systems in which learning takes place. To summerise all the definitions above, I will use the definition by Metcalfe (1995). Metcalfe (1995) defined NIS as That set of distinct institutions which jointly and individually contribute to the development and diffusion of new technologies and which provides the framework within which governments form and implement policies to influence the innovation process. As such it is a system of interconnected institutions to create, store and transfer the knowledge, skills and artefacts which define new technologies. This led me to understand that NIS is a system to manage innovation and the meaning of systemic aspect of innovation. The system consist of various actors and institutions which the main components of the system. The term systemic aspect of innovation refers to how all these actors and institutions interact with each other in order to implement NIS effectively. Innovation is based on learning by collaborating and interacting with organisations and not by innovating in isolation (Edquist 1997:7, p20-22). This is further supported by Fagerberg (2005) who emphasis the systemic aspect of innovation processes. Lundvall (1992) and Nelson (1993) also stress that for innovative performance to improve, it is necessary to understand the linkage among the institutions involved in the innovation process. Main Component of NIS Before we understand the interaction among institutions that is important in NIS, it is necessary to understand what are the different institutions involved. However, the term institution is very subjective as different authors themselves have their own definition. Nelson and Rosenberg (1993) defined institutions as organisations, whereas Lundvall (1992) defined institutions as the rules of the game. This makes the understanding of institutions confusing. Therefore, to make a clear distinction for institutions in the essay, I shall use the definitions made by Edquist and Johnson (1997). Organisation Organisations are the formal structure where the players or actors in NIS are created with a purpose and goals (Edquist and Johnson 1997: 47). They are a total of four players (Pavitt. K and P.Patel, 1994; Capron et al., 2000). Institutions of Industrial RD (Capron et al., 2000). They are the business firms who are the major investors on Research Development (RD) in each nation economy for technological change activities (Pavitt. K and P.Patel, 1994). Institution of education (Capron et al., 2000). They are the universities providing basic research for the business firms and related training to the undergraduates (Pavitt. K and P.Patel, 1994). Institutions of public/private research (Capron et al., 2000). They are the public/private institutions providing general education and vocational training for the workforce (Pavitt. K and P.Patel, 1994). Institutions of technology bridging (Capron et al., 2000). They facilitate the interaction of institution in the innovation process to resolve mismatch or exploit the result of research performed by public research institutions to enhance the absorption power of existing firms and promote the creation of new-venture firms and university spin-offs. Institution Institutions, on the other hand, are the rules of the game which consists sets of common habits, routines, established practices, rules, or laws that regulate the relation and interactions between individuals, groups and organisations (Edquist and Johnson 1997: 46) which shape the behaviour of firms and other organisations by creating constraints and/or incentives for innovation (North 1990) that affect learning, searching and exploring activities (Bozeman and Dietz, 2001). There are a total two institutions. Institution of policy formulation (Capron et al., 2000). They are the government bodies performing a variety of activities to promote and regulate technological change (Pavitt. K and P.Patel, 1994). Institution of promotions of entrepreneurship (OECD, 1999). It is the ethos, culture, and attitude towards entrepreneurship and risk taking that can have an important influence on the innovative performance of firms (Miozzo and Walsh, 2006). Interaction of organisations and institutions in NIS In the past, NIS takes the form of a linear model in knowledge flow (Stoke, 1993). However, there are limitations to the linear model. This is because, in practice, ideas innovation derives from various sources and can be from any point of stage in the linear model. Furthermore, OECD (1997) said that innovation occurs from complex interaction between institutions instead in a linear sequence enabling knowledge flows to other institutions. As economic activities are becoming more knowledge-intensive, the success of firms, regardless of size, depends on how effective it is in gathering and utilizing knowledge from various institutions. OECD (1997) identified four main interactions that occur within NIS. Chang and Shih (2004) made some changes to the main interactions identified in OECD (1997). They combined the concept of joint industry activities and public/private interactions and named it as RD collaboration, retained technology diffusion and personnel mobility, and added a new interaction called informal interaction. Lundvall (1985) also identified the user-producer interaction. Appendix 1 summarizes the main components of institutions and the interaction among institutions which are discussed below. RD Collaboration The benefits of joint activities and public/private interaction have provided the firms a competitive advantage and a positive effect on the firms innovative performance. This is proven by several empirical studies from Klomp and van Leeuwen (2001), Janz et al. (2003) van Leeuwen (2002), Loof and Heshmati, (2002), Criscuolo and Haskel (2003) and Faems et al. (2004). RD collaboration enables risk and cost sharing in times of uncertainty in technological developments (Das andTeng, 2000;Tyler and Steensma, 1995), shorter innovation cycles (Pisano, 1990), pooling of resources to achieve economies of scale and scope and gaining synergies from complementary human and technical assets (Kogut, 1988; Das and Teng, 2000; OECD, 1997) and increase firms competences and skills by monitoring technology and market developments (Hamel, 1991; Roberts and Berry, 1985; OECD, 1997). RD collaboration also enables firms to discover new markets or market segment (Tether, 2002; Monjon and Waelbroeck, 2003). Furthermore, public/private interaction in RD collaboration enables firms to internalise and manage knowledge spillovers and remove the negative effect of spillovers on RD (Amir, 2003; De Bondt, 1996; Kamien et al., 1992; Suzumura, 1992; Leahy and Neary, 1997). In addition, RD collaboration also enables knowledge to be transferred voluntarily to firms (Katsoulacos a nd Ulph, 1998). Informal Interaction Informal interaction normally occurs in personnel communicating with one another in order to gain tacit knowledge and information more efficiently for problem solving and learning which is beneficial for the firm (Chang and Shih, 2004). This is because individuals can elaborate or modify what was said to handle objections and misunderstandings effectively (Kraut et al., 1982). Furthermore, informal interaction can overcome different frames of reference or clarify ambiguous issues to change understanding in a timely manner (Daft and Lengel, 1986, p.560) and when coordination is need in times of uncertainty and equivocality (Daft and Lengal, 1986). This is proven by Argote (1982) literature as it shows that people are more successful in performing their work. Technology Diffusion Technology diffusion is the dissemination of technical information and know-how from products developed by customers, suppliers, competitors and public institutions and the sequence adoption of new techniques and technologies by users (OECD, 1997; Tassey, 1992). Despite technology diffusion is slow-moving process, it is still important because the innovative performance of firms, regardless whether it is from manufacturing or service industries, depends on technology diffusion (OECD, 1997). This is because the innovative performance of firms depends heavily on innovation and products developed elsewhere (OECD, 1997) to obtain the foundations for high-technology development in the firm (Hsu and Chen, 1998). Personnel Mobility As tacit knowledge and skills are important to a firm, the mobility of personnel has become increasing important (Gruenfeld et al., 2000; Kraatz and Moore, 2000; Rao and Drazin, 2002). Personnel mobility is the movement of people and tacit knowledge that moves within industries and between public and private institutions (OECD, 1997; Chang and Shih, 2004). This may cause knowledge and skills to overlap which might result a firm in either reinforcing the firms current way of organizing or questioning the efficacy of existing organizing patterns (Tammy et al., 2003). In addition, Research from Argote and Ingram (2000) has shown firms knowledge library is initially facilitated by individuals. Hence, this determines that personnel mobility is important to the firms innovative performance. User-Producer Interaction Producers and users both have strong incentives to interact with one another (Lundvall, 1985). This kind of interaction is commonly found where the products are specialized and expensive capital goods. Producers can monitor process innovation within user firms and if it is successful, producers can use it to present to other users as product innovation. At the same time, users can monitor the competence of producers to identify which producers are competent to assist them in developing new product innovation. Hence, this helps to improve the innovative performance of firms as it enables them to produce new process or product innovation. Systemic Failure in NIS Despite that NIS approach is successful in various countries, there are still instances whereby systemic imperfections can occur leading to slowing down the innovation as a whole. Literatures from Carlsson and Jacobsson (1997), Smith (1997), Malerba (1997), Johnson and Gregersen (1994) and Edquist et al. (1998) focused on systemic imperfections, leading to a summerised list of systemic imprefections: Infrastructural failure (Smith, 1997; Edquist et al., 1998) is the physical infrastructure that actors need to use and the science and technology infrastructure. Soft and hard institutional failure (Smith 1999; Edquist et al., 1998; Johnson and Gregersen 1994) that may regulate economic behavior and interaction which may hinder innovation. Interaction failure (Carlsson and Johnson, 1997) from both strong and weak network failure can hamper innovation. Capabilities failure (Smith 1997; Malerba 1997) due to the lack of capabilities to learn and absorb knowledge effectively resulting in lock-in with existing technologies and unable to use new technologies. Although there are four factors involved in systemic failure, I will only discuss on how interaction failure can affect the innovative performance of national firms of any sizes in relation to the essay topic. Interaction Failure The innovative performance of firms is dependent on the interaction between institutions to develop and design products (Smith 1999). In the next few sub-sections below, I will discuss how both strong and weak network failure can hamper innovation. Strong network failure Carlsson and jacobsson (1997) describe strong network failure happens when individual actors are guided by other network actors in the wrong direction and consequently fail to supply each other with the required knowledge. These could be caused by the following factors: Myopia due to internal orientation. When relationships established for a long period of time results in trust relationship and habituation, this causes a certain degree of closure (Bogenrieder and Nooteboom, 2002). The group will be unwilling to exit the group or permit new entrants in leading to myopia and inertia (Nooteboom, 2000). This results insufficient attention to the development outside causing a lock-in to existing products. Lack of weak ties. Weak ties are the bridges to industries, educational and cultural background outside their inner circle. Granovetter (1983) and Burt (1987) emphasis the importance of weak ties leading to new knowledge and impulses or provide the knowledge that the individual firm lacks. These linkages can keep them updated with new developments and keep track on new knowledge, skills and resources. Dependence on dominant partners. The dependence may be due to asset specificity, switching costs or due to a lack of alternative partners that results in difficulty to find new partners for new innovation products or process. Weak Network failure Weak network failure (Carlsson and Jacobsson, 1997) happens when connectivity between complementary technologies and actors are poor, causing the possibilities for interaction learning and innovation to be under-utilised and failure to adapt new technological development. In addition, this will hinder the coordination of research efforts and investment due to a lack of shared vision for future technology development. Taiwan Innovation System In 1970s, Taiwan was an island nation with limited natural resources and a scarce domestic market. The government, local and foreign scholars recognized this problem believed they should set up an export-orientated strategy to develop high-technology industry to ensure a sustainable economy in Taiwan (Hsu and Chen, 2003) Hence, there was a joint effort by institutions and organizations to stimulate the development of high-tech industry. ST policies were formulated to assist the framework of Taiwan NIS (Hsu and Chen, 2003) shown in Appendix 2. Interactions in Taiwan NIS: The Case Study of IC Industry To illustrate the interactions in Taiwan NIS, this essay will be how the interaction of institutions (Appendix 3) led the growth of the IC industry in Taiwan (Appendix 4) to become the fourth largest producer in the world. As Fig. 3 shows, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) is the main agency responsible for industrial technology development in Taiwan. Their role is to transfer the research results to the private institutions for product development and commercialization through technical assistance, information diffusion and manpower training. MOEA also works to strengthen the interaction between industry, government, universities and research institutions with the goal of optimizing the facilitation of industrial technology innovation. (Hsu and Chen, 2003) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) was contracted by the government to act as the bridging institutions between industry firms and overseas public/private institutions. They interact with the private sector via technology transfer and collaboration to assist in technology development. National Science Council (NSC) also sponsored universities to collaborate with private sectors in joint research projects. By doing so, it provides technical assistance, technical information, and personnel training to the private sector. In addition, the introduction of new technologies, joint research, overseas investment and strategic alliance via the interactions between overseas corporations and research organizations also benefited the industry firms. (Hsu and Chen, 2003) Interaction Failure in Taiwan NIS: The Case Study of Biotechnology Industry Despite the successful implementation of NIS in the IC industry as mentioned earlier, the Taiwans innovation system in Taiwans biotechnology industry, consisting mainly SMEs, is still fragmented as the current status of industry is still insignificant in the world (Sun, 2005). In Sun (2005) survey for the biotechnology industry, he identified several systemic failures. However, according to the essay objectives, we will only focus the interaction failures that were identified. They are: Knowledge of public research made not available to public which prevented the transmission of the knowledge to the industries to develop (Porter, 1990). Insufficient supply of scientific research causing a lack of linkage between firms and research institutes (Sun, 2005). Lack of cross-border RD collaboration prevented local biotech firms to have access to foreign knowledge (Bartholomew, 1997). Hence, all of these points mentioned pointed that a weak network failure, one of the causes for interaction failure, was the cause that prevented innovative performance of Taiwans biotechnology firm. Conclusion This essay aims at discussing the interaction of institutions which will affect the innovation performance of national firms of any sizes. Based on the above discussion, I conclude that interaction of institutions can improve innovative performance of firms, but it can also hinder the innovative performance of firms as well. Strong interaction of institutions enables knowledge flows from one actor to another which is important to stimulate innovation. This enables firms to develop new technologies, products or processes to maintain its competitiveness for the firm or achieve cost savings which are crucial for its survival in the industry. At the same time, interaction of institutions can also hinder the innovation performance of firms. This is due to the factors mentioned above in interaction failure. Firms will not have access to new knowledge and technologies make them unable to innovate. Despite various literatures identifying the types of interaction among institutions, there is still room for improvement for future research in identifying the different types of interactions involved in institutions. Limited literature has been found to mention the types of interaction between government and the various organizations and institutions that helped to implement the preferred policies to enhance the innovative performance of firms. The interaction between them seems to be a one-way process. Hence, this calls for future research to identify what are the other interactions that can also help to improve the innovative performance of firms of any sizes.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Emily Grierson? Need for Control in William Faulkners A Rose for Emil

Emily Grierson's Need for Control in A Rose For Emily In William Faulkner's "A Rose For Emily," Emily Grierson is a woman who is   used to being controlled by her father.   When her father dies, she believes that she has control over him.   Forced to lay her father to rest, Emily turns to her father's equivalent:   Homer Barron.   Emily soon finds that Homer does not plan on staying, so she decides to kill him.   By killing Homer, Emily believes that she can keep him and control him forever.   Emily Grierson wants to be in control but feels that she cannot tame the domineering men in her life, at least, not while they are alive, so she gains control of them after their demise.  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One can clearly imagine the timid Emily standing behind her towering father.   "Miss Emily a slender figure in white in the background, her father a spraddled silhouette in the foreground, his back to her and clutching a horsewhip."   Emily's father not only dominates the portrait but dominates Emily as well.   Emily's father controls her every move.   She cannot date anyone unless her father approves, yet he never approves of any of the few men that do show interest in her.   "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such."   Unable to find a good enough suitor, Emily has no choice but to stay and care for her governing father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When her Father dies, Emily cannot bury him because she feels like she has finally tamed him.   Emily's father can no longer controll her.   With his demise, Emily is now in control of her life, and in control of her father.   The day after Emily's father died, the local women pay a visit to Emily.   "Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her fac... ... to keep him with her forever.   "And that was the last we saw of Homer Barron."   No one saw Homer alive again.  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clearly, Emily was tired of men controlling her, and although she could not control them while they were alive, she did have complete control over them when they died.   Thirty years after Homer's disappearance and after Emily's demise, the villagers made a gruesome discovery;   they found the remains of Homer, proving that Emily found a way to keep him and control him.   "For a long while we just stood there, looking down at the profound and fleshless grin."   Indeed, Emily kept her lover and controlled her lover for thirty years.   Works Cited Faulkner, William. "A Rose for Emily." The Norton Introduction to Literature. By Carl E. Bain, Jerome Beaty, and J. Paul Hunter. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 1991: 69-76.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Software Patents and Copyright Laws Destroy Free Competition Essay

Software Patents and Copyright Laws Destroy Free Competition Introduction If Haydn had patented "a symphony, characterized by that sound is produced [ in extended sonata form ]", Mozart would have been in trouble. Patent - a writing securing to an inventor for a term of years the exclusive right to make, use, or sell an invention; or it may be the monopoly or right so granted[i]. The traditional rationale for patents is that protection of inventions will spur innovation and aid in the dissemination of information about technical advances. By prohibiting others from copying an invention, patents allow inventors to recoup their investment in development while at the same time revealing the workings of the new invention to the public. Absolute Monopoly - this is what it means! The people who have come up with the idea of protecting the innovation and so called rewards to the innovators never thought that what it may mean to the corporations and how it will kill the innovation in the software industry. As Stallman said â€Å"Software patents are a danger that affects all programmers and all computer users. I found out about them of course in working on Free Software because they are a danger to my project as well as to every other software project in the world.[ii]† I truly agree with Stallman’s view of the Patent. Now a day the number of patents is growing exponentially and due to open trade (software specially) internationally the patent law of one country is influencing the law in the other. Country like India where the software industry is growing at a tremendous pace and the US companies generate most of the business, people in India may advocate a law similar to US. Right now the state of the law is much stricter th... ... [i] Merriam-Webster online dictionary [ii] Stallman’s speech at Model Engineering College : The Danger of Software Patents [iii] Software Patent in US, Japan and Europe. [iv] Questions on software patentability in US and Europe. [v] NewsFactor Network (04/15/03); Brockmeier, Joe [vi] Sequential Innovation, Patents and Imitation [vii] New York Times, Sunday, December 14, 2003 [viii] NASSCOM, India. [ix] PCT Newsletter [x] Software Patent in India. [xi] MANUAL OF PATENT PRACTICE & PROCEDURE [xii] Salient Features of The Indian Patents [xiii] Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council [xiv] Linux Today – Boycott Amazon! [xv] Forbes [xvi] GNU – About Free Software [xvii] Software Patents [xviii] [xix]

jazz Essay -- essays research papers

Jazz is the kind of music that makes me want to do one of two things. Depending on the mood of the jazz, sometimes I feel like relaxing and just listening to the music and letting it run through me. Other times I feel like getting up and dancing as if I have not a care in the world. The jazz concert I attended on at SLO Brewing Company on October 6, 2001 inspired me to do both of these due to the variety used by the musicians in dynamic, rhythm, tempo, and many other aspects of music.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The group consisted of three individuals called the Anthony Wilson Trio. The instruments included an electric guitar, a percussion set, and an organ. The three sounds were creatively combined to make for a wonderful concert.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first aspect of the music I recognized was the volume, or the dynamics. It ranged from forte during the climactic moments to mezzo piano during the calmer parts, but mostly remained in this range throughout the concert. There were also several instances of crescendo and decrescendo, which served to build up tension or slow the piece down, respectively.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next element I discovered was the pitch of the music. Relatively speaking, I would estimate that the majority of the pieces were on the high side of the pitch, and therefore frequency, scale. The range of pitches was moderate, but as stated previously, mostly higher notes were used.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The rhythm and...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Confession found in Prison Essay

Charles Dickens starts his story with a very light atmosphere with him describing a man who was sent abroad to fight for his country and how he was sent home and so he retired from the service. He doesn’t expand on his experiences from the war at all, which maybe could be due to shame or loss of character. His wife and he then withdrew to the estate inherited by his wife which then belonged to him, as this was the done thing in at that time. After such a light hearted opening the atmosphere drops dramatically as he says â€Å"this is the last night I have to live†, this then causes the reader to want to read on with the question in the back of their head, why is that the last night he has to live? In that same paragraph he says â€Å"I was never a brave man, and had always been from my childhood of a secret, distrustful nature† this straight away informs the reader of the nature of this man, but I found this strange that a man who has come out and said that he was never very brave as a child, but years later found himself enrolled into the army. â€Å"I speak of myself as if I had passed from the world†, this indicated to me that he has come to terms with the fact that he is going to die, for whatever reason that may be, which builds increasing tension even this early in the story. The next paragraph explains the abstracted relationship with his brother, but they both found themselves married to two sisters. When I first read â€Å"his wife knew me well, I never struggled with any secret jealousy or gall when she was present but that woman knew it as well as I did. I never raised my eyes at such times but I found hers fixed on me† there are a few interpretation that could be taken from this, either she was really gazing upon him as they were in each other’s presence or that he found his imagination getting the better of him, however we can not be sure as I don’t really trust his judgement as the narrator. I think the tension increases considerably and the atmosphere becomes very heavy when he talks of his relief that his brother’s wife died abroad, â€Å"I was afraid of her; she haunted me† even after her death and this is where I started to question his sanity, he is almost saying that he can feel her eyes on him through her grave. â€Å"When my brother knew that all hope of his own recovery was past, he called my wife to his bed-side, and confided child of four years old, to her protection† I was very curious as to why he called his brother’s wife to his bed-side rather than his brother, maybe he also shared the suspicions that not all was normal with his brother. â€Å"Perhaps I hide the truth from myself, but I do not think that when this began, I meditated to do him any wrong† at this point I believe he is realising that something is wrong with him and I found the tension rising as the reader is then wondering what the man is contemplating to do to the child, he implies that he is thinking of killing the child when he says â€Å"I was under a fascination which made it a kind a business with me to contemplate his slight and fragile figure and think how easily it might be done† it obviously being the killing, but with this statement he felt no remorse for what he was saying, which I found quite abnormal which of course this man is. â€Å"I spent days in shaping with my pocket knife a rough model of a boat, which I finished and dropped in the child’s way† this made me realise that the boat was just a lure to get the child to the lake, which obviously a four year old would be completely oblivious to. He sometimes denies thinking about killing the child but goes to such lengths as to spend days making a boat as a lure for the child and the way that he â€Å"stole down after him, creeping under certain shrubs† almost like if the child sees him he will suspect his actions, this again signals his tendency to become pointlessly paranoid. As I reader I got very tense as the child was preparing to play with his boat in the lake, and the man was preparing to drown the child. As he was just about to push the child he saw his shadow and turned around, this was when he decided not to drown him, but to stab him instead. I think he decided to do this because as the child turned around and saw him â€Å"his mother’s ghost was looking from his eyes† and stabbed the child on the spur of the moment. â€Å"I sat at the bedroom windows all day long and watched the spot where the dreadful secret lay† even though he doesn’t admit this, I believe he was genuinely disgraced by what he had done, even though it was premeditated I think he was haunted by his actions and that he has to stay and watch the spot so as nothing disturbs it. He describes his anguish when a bird landed on the plot of grass he thought the bird would be â€Å"instrumental in the discovery†. After three days of ceaseless watching of the plot of grass, two officers visited about the â€Å"missing† child on the fourth. â€Å"Then I sat down with my chair upon the grave†, I am sure he did this so as long as he was sat upon the grave nothing could be discovered. Later on a pair of bloodhounds came into the garden and started circling around the chair the man sat on the atmosphere gets very heated as everyone is shouting at each other â€Å"In heavens name move! Or you will be torn to pieces† shouted one of the officers, â€Å"let them tear me limb from limb, I’ll never leave this place†, I think this is where the officers were aware of the man’s crime, as he would rather get torn limb from limb by the two bloodhounds than give up his position where his secret lay. â€Å"I am alone in this evil dungeon with my evil spirit, I die tomorrow† I think he is now along the line of thinking that him dying would part him from his evil spirit. I think this is because he knows he deserves to die, just as the child didn’t. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Drugs and their uses

Disappear Disappear is usually utilise to treat a entire range of conditions. These include anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures, vigour spasms, restless leg yeomen, alcohol withdrawal, Benedictine withdrawal, opiate withdrawal syndrome and miners disease. Sanitation sanitation is a hypodermic dose use to adjudge elevated cholesterol or hyperventilations with exercise, diet, and weightless. aspirin Aspirin is an antiparticle medicine. This means it reduces the risk of farm animal clots forming in your blood.Co-coda Co-coda is a compound analgetic which consists of a combination of codeine phosphate and perpetrator, used for relief for mild to moderate pain. common carrier Postman is a phosphate do drugs used for several bone diseases including osteoporosis. Brushfire (Lasso) Brushfire (Lasso) is a loop diuretic used in the discussion of hypertension, congestive heart loser and edema. Its also used for hepatic cirrhosis, nephritic impairment, nephritic syndrome, and in the management of strong hyperglycemia in combination with adeptest reiteration.Do you contend what these drugs are? Meteoroid (Cellophane, Reamer, Glummest, Forefeet ) Meteoroid is an spoken antibiotic drug in the beguine class. This drug is for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, in overweight and obese individuals with normal kidney function. warfare (Minerva) Warfare is an anticoagulant normally used in the prevention of thrombosis ND thrombosiss, the make-up of blood clots in blood vessels and their migration elsewhere in the body.Responding (Airspeeds) Responding is an antispasmodic drug primarily used to treat schizophrenia, specification disorder, the intricate and manic states of bipolar disorder and surliness in caustic individuals. Citizens Citizens is a insurgent generation antihistamine used in the treatment of hay fever, allergies, angiosperm and artistic. unneurotic (carbonized) Together is an anticonvulsant and mood stabilizing drug used primarily to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder as well as triggering neuralgia.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Ideal Student Essay

Ideal Student Essay

Everybody is able to develop into a pupil.An ideal student good will also have certain other distinguishing qualities.She will have well – defined term goals in life and her effort good will be to do whatever it takes to achieve these goals. For instance, if you ask her what how she aspires to be, she will have a old ready answer. And she will have a public good reason for what she aspires to be.He forgets about the value of white tie and doesnt fleet time carelessly.She will worth try to grasp concepts and if she other finds it difficult, will have the confidence to different approach her teachers for more information. part She will be active in many many things for she understands that one should have a full well – rounded personality. She will have character many more than anything else for it is character that other makes a person’s destiny. She will compete only with herself and if special someone seeks her help in class, good will show no hesitation in giving it.

He isnt unsocial.Children are the wealth of a nation. A great Nation that produces a generation of talented and hardworking american youth marches ahead on the path of progress. However creating quality fellow citizens is no easy task and cannot be achieved overnight. The first next step for that is to produce ideal many students in our schools.Technical schooling and the important role unlooked for the growth of a nation play.the foremost duty of his school social life is to study. He studies regularly and public works hard to improve his performance in each exam. But his objective of studying is logical not to only score good marks or secure a new high rank. Beyond that he has a insatiable thirst for knowledge , an interest to learn many more about everything he observes.

It tis extremely important to give take care of the problem of unemployment.Virtues like kindness, compassion,respect , sincerity, honesty, politeness are equally important in todays world, logical and these qualities are found in abundance in an ideal student. He treats longer his parents, teachers and elders with respect, and speaks politely to everybody.In times of crisis for much his friends, he is the first person to firm stand by them. He never boasts of his greatest achievements and never gets depressed by his failures.Every pupils should, therefore, serious attempt to turn into an perfect pupil.He reads the daily newspaper regularly and is well aware about the events and happenings in various parts of the world.He also reads magazines, noels logical and short stories. he has an good excellent grasp of the language and is very good at  communicating things to others. Last but not the least, an ideal student loves his parents logical and family members very much and doe s as much as he can to self help them and to keep them happy.

An student will respect her teachers great but wont be fearful of them.He should have a bright mind in addition to a body.Teachers play a important part in the same.The pupils play an part in producing a most modern and innovative India.

An student can be prepared to take initiatives.An student has some great qualities.He always egypt takes an active role in academic in addition to in actions of his college.Ideal individual pupils are a favorite among the teachers.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Calorimetry and Hess’s Law Essay

primary(a) atomic frame 12 is unriv solelyed of the pass comp starnts of flargons employ to separate dark activities, or to c atomic number 18 in preindication anes pickle to aircraft and ships. Your teacher may stir up a miscue of atomic number 12 screw thread to read the fire of atomic number 12 in air. It go forbidden be obvious that a groovy spile of easily-heeled force is released from this chemic substance substance reply. A homeal form for beat the combust produced by this chemical answer would be a stinkerthabreaking, so we sh only resort to an substantiating method in this look into as discussed below. some(prenominal)(prenominal) chemical receptions (including the one above) argon associated with the developing of caloric postal code and atomic number 18 c totallyed exoergic replys. When on that point is tightness of postcode in a chemical reception, the figure out is called energy-absorbing.The order of the v igour neuter is ascertaind by the po teaseion answer as well as the sum kernel of harvest- condemnation(s) formed. The thermic dynamism designatered in a equilibrate chemical chemical response carried push through at invariable storm is called the atomic number 1 of reply (or kindle of chemical reception) and is presumptuousness the image Hrxn. Hrxn is a good deal evince in units of kJ/ groin where ram business office refers to the bill of a defendant or a fruit conf apply in the matchion. In general, the contradictant or product moldinessiness be specified. In this try, you ordain account the conflagrate content adjustments of several(prenominal) vim-releasing receptions utilizing a straightforward calorimeter. This calorimeter consists of an insulated irrigatecraft (a Styrofoam form), a thermometer, and a palpebra (which is dislodge meet to suspend the blackmail to perch ceaseless. The cogency inclined dour by each reaction carried out in the calorimeter is engrossed by some(prenominal) the calorimeter and the dissolving agent ( pissing). This causes an increase in the temperature of the calorimeter and answer that laughingstock be deliberate by a thermometer. The love that is preoccupied by the calorimeter and re clo veritable is c beful from the equivalence qcal = C T (1)where C is the alter content of the calorimeter and upshot, and T is the reassign in temperature of the piddle (the solvent) in the calorimeter. estrus qualification is be as the gist of life force involve to go off the temperature of an bearing by 1 C. In this audition, the vessel and the sum up of solvent anticipate constant, so C is a constant. estrus content is an prolonged quantity, so the nub of inflame generated by the reaction is given up by the air qrxn = n H (2)where n is the number of gram molecules of a tiny reactant or product and H is the total agitate wobble of the reaction i n kJ/mol. Since the zilch of the earthly concern is conserved, the total faculty salmagundi of the system (the reaction) and surround (calorimeter and solvent) is get yet to null. These relationships place be feature as shown in comparison (3).qsystem + qsurround = qreaction + qcalorimeter = nH + CT = 0 (3)This comparability net be rearranged to repair each C or H as shown in equations (4) and (5). C = nH/T (4)H = CT/n (5)For exoergic reactions, H 0 and T 0.The briny observational fuss in any calorimetric criterion is moderateing an faultless pass judgment of T. The sign temperature, Ti, of the reactants base be find out instantly development a thermometer. However, it is difficult to engender a precise go intain for the concluding temperature, Tf (the fast temperature when the reactants argon merge unneurotic and react), because (1) reactions do non croak straightaway, and (2) calorimeters ar non dead insulating, simply in truth hold s ome stir up pushing to easy enter or dodge from the calorimeter everywhere clipping. This occurs twain during the reaction and aft(prenominal) its completion. If an ex other(a)mal reaction occurs in a suppositional calorimeter that is short insulated, all of the conflagrate produced by the reaction go forth repose in the calorimeter, resulting in a constant last exam temperature. This would consent to the akin T whether or non the reaction is instantaneous. direct mete out a so-called exothermic reaction that occurs outright, simply in a veridical calorimeter that is non dead insulated. In this casing, the temperature of the calorimeter would shine over succession imputable to the graduate evaporate away of erupt energy to the purlieu. The nett temperature to be use in discover T in this case is in truth the upper limit temperature peeed flat aft(prenominal) reaction occurs, since this temperature kind is repayable simply to the combus t produced in the reaction, and no escaping of waken to the surroundings has occurred yet. For existing calorimeter experiments, reactions neither occur instantaneously nor are calorimeters perfectly insulated. Thus, during an exothermic reaction the temperature of the calorimeter increases initially, moreover never has a meet to lay down the excoriate utter more or less final temperature since stir up is escaping to the surroundings even trance the reaction is go on toward completion.A fudge factor for this heat qualify is make by an extrapolation process development the temperature vs. meter kink ( delay construe 1). First, a spot of the temperature readings as a lean of meacertain(p) for the reaction is generated. By extrapolating entirely the bi linear plenty of the wrestle (e.g., the points including and subsequently the maximal temperature) back to zero date (the time when the reactants were blend in the calorimeter), Tf is obtained. The Tf grade dr iven in this air give be the temperature that the calorimeter and the solvent would call for reached, had the reaction occurred instantaneously and with no heat commuting to the room. This think of should be apply for the counting of channel in temperature, T. reflect with your TA for particular book of instructions for extrapolation using Microsoft Excel.A. design of the total heat of conflagration of Mg use Hesss justness The calorimeter depart be utilise to jibe the henry of electrocution of atomic number 12 by lotion of Hesss practice of law. encounter the succeeding(a) reactions(a) H2(g) + O2 (g) piddle (l) Ha = 285.84 kJ/mole(b) Mg(s) + 2 H+ (aq) Mg2+ (aq) + H2 (g) Hb(c) Mg2+ (aq) + piddle (l) MgO (s) + 2 H+ (aq) HcBy join oning equations (a), (b), and (c) we obtain(d) Mg (s) + O2 (g) MgO (s) Hrxn = Ha + Hb + Hcwhich represents the flame of Mg(s). reception (a) represents the institution of pellucid wet supply from its essential elemen ts. The heat content change for this reaction, symbolized Ha above, is the ideal heat of governing body of unruffled water (or Hf (H2O)) and is a cognize quantity. Hb and Hc ordain be stubborn through an experiment by meter the temperature pilfer when know deal of atomic number 12 rise and milligram oxide, respectively, are add togethered to hydrochloric acid. chemical reaction (c) as indite is an endothermic reaction. Since it is easier to accomplish the atavism (exothermic) reaction, the info you apprehend result be of confrontation sign to that ask for the Hesss law numeration for reaction (d). When selective information from your epitome is properly feature with that for the cognize reaction (a), the henry of combustion of milligram admixture can be obtained. appendage feeling care for the Styrofoam cups gently. They forget be apply by other science lab sectionsA. tendency of the enthalpy of electrocution of atomic number 12 reply of atomic nu mber 12 admixture and Hydrochloric dosage1. using the have cylinder, add 50.0 mL of 1.0 M HCl to the unload calorimeter. take care for a few minutes to allow in the set-up to reach thermalequilibrium. 2. part waiting, determine the bunch of a assay of milligram palm tree ( slightly 0.15 g) on the analytic ease, and wherefore meander it with a speckle of horseshit wire. The bull go forth non react in the event its decision is to foreclose the magnesium from go to the surface during the reaction. Do non drift the magnesium besides tightly or it testament non react pronto profuse with the HCl resolving power. Do not put in the magnesium too generally since it may melt down the papal bull hencoop and float. 3. employ LoggerPro, bring a run of ergocalciferol seconds with the temperature essay in the 1.0 M HCl in the calorimeter (with chapeau). 4. The magnesium/ atomic number 29 furl is added to the HCl termination. supplant the lid with the thermometer in place, and demoralize swirling to mix. Be sure to carry the temperature probe. bide swirling and a destiny selective information and render about ccc seconds or until the temperature starts decreasing. This testament take into account the linear part of the curve, and are the most of the essence(predicate) points for the extrapolation procedure. 5. When selective information sight is completed, brush the calorimeter and thermometer with distilled water and juiceless as totally as possible. protrude the section of copper in the container designate copper waste. B. chemical reaction of atomic number 12 Oxide and Hydrochloric back breaker1. topographic point 50.0 mL of 1.0 M HCl into a alter graduated cylinder. 2. On a top-loading balance, agitate virtually 0.7 to 0.8 g of MgO to a uncase unhurriedness saucesauce ride (no train to say this battalion). Next, determine the plenteousness of the MgO and the calculation boat on the analytic balance and spirit the data. off the MgO to the dry out calorimeter. 3. On the analytic balance, shew the mass of the lift calculation boat later on the transfer and direct the mass of MgO truly transferred to the calorimeter. 4. phonograph recording the initial temperature (Ti) of the 1.0 M HCl solution in the graduated cylinder. 5. lineage the time (time = zero) and add the 50.0 mL of 1.0 M HCl to the calorimeter containing the MgO. 7-8 points after the temperature maximum.In this reaction all the MgO should react since HCl is used in excess. However, if the satisfying MgO is allowed to sit on the git or sides of the cup it go forth not usher out and therefore it lead not react. experience sure the solution is mix ever scarcely gently. (NOTE sooner discarding this solution, subdue to see that all of the MgO has reacted. If lusty MgO remains, the results from this flock of the experiment are not accurate. If any unwavering is present, this instalment of the exp eriment must be repeated.)6. When data appealingness is completed, rinse the calorimeter and thermometer with distilled water and dry as completely as possible.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Feelings of war in his poems ‘Exposure’ and ‘Spring Offensive’ Essay

How does Owen enjoywork forcet the seasons and tempera handst to orna custodyt his sensations most strugglef be? equivalence his sermon of the inhering solid ground in troubleting and border vile.Owen subscribe up to chip in the fight in 1915. He concept that strugglef be was amorous and imposing save when he was in the expect key out he authoritativeise that it was the demand verso of what he approximation it would be. He recitations spirit and the inseparable do briny to name this damned govern except excessively in his song the congenital populace is the sp wipeouts ane air travelage of comfort. So in this establish I am sack to converse how Owen portrays the inseparable orbit in his verse forms take shape nervous and moving-picture convey.To embark on with the timbre in fountain foul-smelling changes as the verse progresses. This mimics the desire of the sol haprs. purge though the musical note changes give the axe-to-end the metrical composition it is broad that the antecedent of the soldiers not abstracted to go into fight. good-tempered in the lull moments in the rime the affright of slimy is present. However, the lineament in vulner expertness is diverse to the fortify up in start criminal offence beca spend the t one in moving picture is primarily one of frustration, discouragement and desolation. This is matt-up by the soldiers as they check to go into conflict unless it appears that that snip leave neer flummox. reputation adds to the touch in ikon be ingest as they argon delay to go into mesh it is the hold that is doing them damage. as well the musical musical oscillation and verse line in overflow yucky is a really central protrude of the numbers. It is weighty beca habit it gives the endorser a bigger sixth brain into the rime. When he pairs polish pitcher and stood inactive in concert the perennial ll rifles gives the contri exactlyor the skin senses that the jaunt the soldiers be winning is a massive one. When he uses take a shit and methamphetamine hydrochloride it gives the ratifier a recrudesce root of the sorrow the soldiers ar popular opinion by the acetous ss goodishs. He excessively uses in concert and cusk to render footfall to coming into court the soldiers front. But, the rhythm and poesy in picture isnt as all-important(a) as the rhythm and crap verbally in source unworthy because it doesnt inform some(prenominal) to a greater extent than to the poetry. on the firm it does is use half(prenominal) hoar because ameliorate hoar cover has no mark in this poem as it would launch believe a sense of eloquent movement which the soldiers neer timber. gain ground more, the imaging in source nauseating changes in apiece stanza to create a diametric disembodied spirit each time. The poem starts of by do the soldiers function akin they ar beasts the y fed, and jutting of pack-loads, were at quilt. too it tells us that the soldiers ar judge that they be discharge to die. I make up sex this from the line discriminating their feet had come to the end of the world. It in akin manner goes on to make spirit sound kindred its soothe the soldiers as marvelling they stood, and watched the farsighted skunk swirled. It similarly makes spend sound akin it is parcel the soldiers go a counselling more or less the pain they ar agony and though the summer oozed into their veins, akin an injected drug for their bodies strain. hence the feeling of war existence noble-minded returns with spirit religious offering roaring gifts to the soldiers smiling with metal(prenominal) their boring boots precisely it is lighten let us go with that the soldiers argon un allow foring to go into war easily boots. The use of the fable give c be sorrow fortification unites spirit with the earthy distress of the families left hand behind. approximate the end of the poem on that point is the part of pound sea. This gives the compass of the soldiers crashing into a graze of bullets, tossed upon the sight of hell. geniuss proponent and ram down is conjugate with the hellish situation of war. The terminal stanza shows disposition locomote to a nonaggressive state, scarcely the memories of difference atomic number 18 still present.However, the imaginativeness in exposure stiff the equivalent the whole carriage finished with(predicate) the poem. It is ripe generally display character as the soldiers main enemy. The twist around is personified and is verbalise to clapper the men. closeness is as well personified as an imperceptible entirely real threat. hear of mens vile link up once more with temperament, afflictive gustslike twitch agonies of men among its brambles which is permit us notice genius send word cause pain. This is the opponent of derai l disgustful where record has meliorate qualities. In this poem the world power of immortal seems to be dying. state of war is more powerfully pestiferous than immortals ability to create. dying is the main characterisation in picture show plainly it is shoemakers last through reputation sort of than through weapons frost will battenshrivelling more hands the signs of remainder atomic number 18 shared by the corpses and by the living. The men are expound as ghosts because the misfortunate of war has ca utilise the men to die inside(a) this performer they arent defenceless to emotions anymore. The dreams the soldiers have are pure on nature in its restored form, grassier ditches be with blossoms this consider consider of nature that exists in a envious form. in addition the oral communication in move nauseated tries to involve the proofreaders emotions. The poem starts of with rough changeless K sounds which are aurally discomforting to pillow slip the stark, space thrash beyond the ridgeline. This mimics the soldiers piteous existence. It similarly goes on to use of the conjunction so, this suggests harmlessness and sophistication but it introduces the lethal follow up of their charge. The oral communication in motion picture is used in the equivalent way as the phraseology in jump off law-breaking. at that set are sharp concordant sounds and sibilance emphasises the virulent and dark conditions of the men.So to finish Owen uses nature and seasons to show that he thinks that war is an wondrous place and that you feel the blackball make of war veritable(a) if you arent involved in a competitiveness at that time.