Thursday, November 28, 2019

La Citta Nuova (the New City) by Antonio Sant’ Elia free essay sample

His remarkable work was the design drawing of La Citta Nuova (the New City). Most of his designs were never built since he was killed during World War I as he joined the Italian army. However, his futurist vision has influenced many modern architects. According to the text of Sant’ Elia, many ideas of futurism contradicts with his drawing. The Manifesto condemned static and pyramidal forms as: And I conclude in disfavor of†¦Perpendicular and horizontal lines, cubic and pyramidal forms, static grave†¦. 2 This refusal of the ‘Perpendicular and horizontal lines’ does not agree with the lines existed in 1. Alan Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 100-07. 2. Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, (New York: Frederic A. Praeger, 1960), 128-30. 1. Alan Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 100-07. 2. Reyner Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, (New York: Frederic A. Praeger, 1960), 128-30. ____________________ the drawing. We will write a custom essay sample on La Citta Nuova (the New City) by Antonio Sant’ Elia or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Taking a close look at the building of his design, one can see that the building abounds with perpendicular shape. Some shape of the building looks familiar to the shape of the pyramid. The ideology of futurist architecture supports lightness and permeability, but the drawing presents mass and monumentality3. Sant’ Elia states that: We have lost the sense of the monumental, the massive, the static, and we have enriched our sensibilities with a taste for the light and the practical4. However, the architecture illustrated in the drawing does not seem to be light; instead, it looks heavy, fills with masses and monuments. The other contradiction between the text and the drawing of Sant’ Elia is a way of presenting the work. According to Ross: The construction of pictures has hitherto been foolishly traditional Painters have shown us the objects and the people placed before us. We shall henceforward put the spectator in the center of the picture. 5 The last sentence suggests that the futurist should place the spectator within the work. Conversely, the drawing of La Citta Nouva implies that the spectator is an external observer since it is a perspective drawing 6. 3. Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, 100-07. 4. Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, 128-30. 5. Stephen David Ross, Art and Its Significance: An Anthology of Aesthetic Theory, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1984). 6. Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, 100-07. 3. Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, 100-07. 4. Banham, Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, 128-30. 5. Stephen David Ross, Art and Its Significance: An Anthology of Aesthetic Theory, (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1984). 6. Colquhoun, Modern Architecture, 100-07. Yet, the idea of Sant’ Elia presented in the ‘Manisfesto of Futurist Architecture’ shows ways of contradiction to his drawings, but both the ideas and drawings are, perhaps, the influential work on many modern architectures, as one can see that some shapes of buildings nowadays are similar to the one in the drawing. ___________________

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Advanced Mouse Processing in Delphi Applications

Advanced Mouse Processing in Delphi Applications You might already know how to handle some basic mouse events like MouseUp/MouseDown and MouseMove. However, there are times when you want your mouse to do what you tell it. Basic API stuff Many of us write programs that are designed to work only with the mouse. If we are writing programs that require mouse presence and/or are dependent on the mouse we have to be sure that various things are set up the right way. Is Mouse Present? The quickest way to see if the mouse is present: Animated Mouse Cursor Heres how to use animated cursors (or even how to use a BMP as a CUR): Positioning the Mouse The SetCursorPos API function moves the cursor to the specified screen coordinates. Since this function does not get a windows handle as a parameter, x/y have to be screen coordinates. Your component does use relative coordinates, e.g. relative to a TForm. You have to use the ClientToScreen function to calculate the proper screen coordinates. Simulations On most occasions we want the mouse to move to a certain position on the screen. We know that some components do not respond to a cursor change until the user moves the mouse, we have to provide some small move-from-code technique. And what about simulation mouse clicks without calling the OnClick event handler? The following example will simulate mouse click event on Button2 after the click to Button1. We have to use mouse_event() API call. The mouse_event function synthesizes mouse motion and button clicks. Mouse coordinates given are in Mickeys, where there are 65535 Mickeys to a screens width. Restrict The Mouse Movement Using the Windows API function ClipCursor, it is possible to restrict the movement of the mouse to a specific rectangular region on the screen: Mouse Enter, Mouse Leave? Detecting entering and exiting of the mouse pointer over a component is often coming up when writing your own component. All descendants of TComponent send a CM_MOUSEENTER and CM_MOUSELEAVE message when the mouse enters and leaves the bounds of the component. You will need to write a message handler for the respective messages if we wish to respond to them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Renzo Piano Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Renzo Piano - Essay Example Various music functions are usually held at the complex. It occupies a spacious area in the 1960 Olympia area. The building designs such as the three bug-like halls take the form of musical instruments. The unique features of the building attract visitors from different part of the world. It is strategically located near big hotels that can accommodate visitors in the city. It is also close to other attractive places such as the Villa Glori Park. The place is also accessible because it is located near a high way called the Autostrada A1. In addition, it is near a railways station called the Roma Termini. The railways station is only 6 kilometer away from the music complex. Visitors from different parts of the world can easily access it through the Fiuicino airport that is only 33 kilometer to the architecture. The auditorium was built in an area that used to be a parking area. The area is near Parioli and Flaminio districts. Its strategic location and many support services make it an ideal place to hold many types of events (Bennet & William 199). The Music complex is in an open-air amphitheatre with halls that look like music boxes. It spaces are occupied by various concert halls. Each hall has different designs in terms of dimensions and functions. However, the spaces are very flexible and versatile and can be regulated depending of the type of music performance. For instance, its floor and ceiling can be adjusted in order to change the property of the halls. The three concert halls are accommodated in a huge dome-shaped structure within the music complex. One of the halls called the petrassi has enough space to accommodate about 750 seats while Sinopoli hall can accommodate about 1200 seats. The third hall named Santa Cecilia is the biggest among the three since it can accommodate about 2800 seats. The space of the music complex also has other rooms such as the practice rooms where people can practice before

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Write an essay in which you discuss what prevents some people from - 1

Write an in which you discuss what prevents some people from helping others around them who are in need - Essay Example Cortà ©s arrived at the Mexican coast at a place called Yucatan in 1519 a year after Spain had discovered the country. He named the place Veracruz a name that has remained in use to date. Accompanying him were 508 soldiers ,100 sailors an 14 small canons which he used to defeat the natives during his reign here(Schwartz and Stuart B ,2000 , pg 12) . He first settled in Tabasco where he faced a strong opposition from the natives. However, he fought back harshly and the natives surrendered. This was the start of his success in Mexico. The Tabasco offered his food, women and an interpreter who was known as La Malinche or Doà ±a Marina who acted as the go-between with the locals. The Native war-men were not trained and were easily killed easily due to lack of skills and weapons. (Schwartz and Stuart B, 2000, pg 17). Few weeks after his arrival, he set sail from Yutican to the southeastern coast where he found Velasquez. Through orders from king charles1 of Spain, he dismissed the authority of Velasquez and declared himself king .Unlike many native leaders, Cortà ©s had knowledge on army training and he trained his men to act as a disciplined united unit (Schwartz and Stuart B, 2000, pg 25). The country was rich in minerals and fertile land and Cortà ©s was determined to dominate the land. He went to an extent of burning his ships to make re-treating not an option. During his stay here, Cortà ©s learned that the Aztecs under the rule of their powerful leader Montezuma II were a powerful primary force in Mexico. Due to his high level of Education, he knew he had to find support from within on order to conquer this powerful group. After an extensive research that took six months, he discovered the Tlaxcala’s who were a native group and great enemies of the Aztecs (Schwartz and Stuart B , 2000 , pg 41).The group became an important target during his raid of the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Learning Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning Assignment - Essay Example Following this exercise, what I did that differed from my grocery habit is to plan my purchase. The reason why I elected this course of action to differentiate from my typical grocery habit because I noticed that there are grocery items that I picked up that are put to waste. Either I bought it on impulse because I found it nice, or did not like the product after using or consuming it. So I made a list of purchase in my next visit to the grocery. I also did an inventory for those items that are still in stocked in the house and omitted them from the list. I noticed that my succeding visit to the grocery is more cost-effective. It would be a safe estimate that my regular purchase was around less than 25% of my regular purchase. It was faster too because I already have a list of what I am going to buy. If its not on the list, I refrained from buying it. I had a savings of around 25% doing this as reflected in the receipt of my succeding purchase. My retail store of choice is the popular Wal-Mart due to the extensiveness of the both grocery and non-grocery items available. One can say that almost everything that is needed is there. Doing the exercise, I understood why I tend purchase more if I did not plan my grocery. There are promotional goods which offers discount to entice me to buy even if I did not need the product. The displays are also attractive and over-all environment of the store is nice that it felt good to shop. I also noticed during my second visit that if I ask for information about a certain product, their sales assistants are helpful and well, induces me also to purchase the item/s. Sometimes they can be pushy. I would recommend to make their sales assitants to be less pushy for me to buy their product or other substitute products because it can get annoying. I would also recommend to have a portion of aisles which are dedicated to â€Å"necessities† because they stacked together in one aisles the items of

Friday, November 15, 2019

All About My Mother, 1999 | Analysis

All About My Mother, 1999 | Analysis This is essay will attempt to examine the film All About My Mother using different interpretations and theories about gender roles in society to create a view of Almadovars work. I shall explore Almadovars work in terms of his difficulty to show female identification and how he uses social interactions as a short cut to portraying women and men as one. The film was released in 1999 at a time when homosexuality was still politically oppressed especially in relation to gay marriage. Almadovar uses his film to show a more politically accepted view towards homosexuality between both men and women in a radical way than at the time of release were accepted. As Stephen Maddison suggests Almadovar is believed and been labelled as a Womens director in as much as he, as well as others (typically Tennessee Williams), signify a standard for the identification of women and/or homosexuality. All About My Mother, predominately uses scenes from Tennessee Williams play A Streetcar Named Desire and it can instantly be seen that this is a benchmark for Almadovars concerns in relation to the characters and their backgrounds, especially that of the films female protagonist, Manuela. We also repeatedly see the same scene from Streetcar which is never the less done on purpose. The scene is that of the end of the play where Stella supposedly leaves her husband, Stanley. The director obviously wanted us to see this scene for what it was as he shows this scene in relation to women and their strength. The fact that this scene is shown repeatedly throughout the film (Manuela and her son watch it together and we see the scene and again after he dies) shows us how varied productions of the same play have changed Williams ending, most notably from the original where Stella is left sobbing on a step while Stanley kneels beside her and puts his hand across her blouse therefore regaining hi s control over her. In Almadovars film however, Stella leaves stage right just after calling Stanley a bastard. In Almadovars case, he is trying to show how heterosexuality seems insufferable today as it appeared in Williams play. It also denotes that women have choices in life and are not controlled by men. As Mulvey suggests in Performance analysis with the relation of women to men women are [simultaneously] looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness. All about my mother seems to take this assumption and turn it on its head and throughout the entire film there seems to be this allure towards creating a performance that is different from the way established performances are held. Mulvey goes on to explain that Budd Boetticher says What counts is what the heroine provokes, or rather what she represents. She is the one, or rather the love or fear she inspires in the hero, or else the concern feels for her, who makes him act the way he does. In herself the women has not the slightest importance. Almadovar uses this as a reason to show the opposite of such belief. It becomes quite clear that in All about my mother the focus is concentrated on the relationships that Manuela holds and creates with the other women in the film. She is the heroine; the main objective of the film is for Manuela to find Estabans father which takes the focal point at the start but this is pushed aside quite quickly and the film becomes Manuelas journey through the past. Finding Estabans father resurfaces later on in the film but does not arrange the narrative. Of course theorists including Mulvey suggest that Man is the bearer of the look of the spectator whereas Almadovar shows us in Mother it is the women that controls the look. The focal point of the film if on Women. Almadovars film makes obvious note and reference to the film All about Eve (1950). The actress in the film Margo seems to disprove the idea that she could be seen as just a body and a voice but at the same time we are taken through the story by a man watching from a nearby stall. The man is still the bearer of the look and with this in mind we are in some ways forced to side with the male protagonist in the piece. In Mother, we can see that Manuela does not compare with Mulveys views on the act of the female in cinema. While Mulvey suggests that women are looked at for erotic pleasure which in direct correlation to the leitmotif of erotic spectacle: from pin ups to strip-tease, Manuela becomes a mother, not only to her son but to the other women in the film and shows professional mothering skills. We must not forget that in the film she displays her skill for cooking and nursing and she is also an actress whom can improvise and lie convincingly. Predominantly the film is about mothering. And this is seen throughout the film and coincidentally the film lacks all fathering. The only father in the film is that of Sister Rosas father whom suffering from Alzheimers has become child like, dependant on a women. The consensus that is the men that are the heroes of the film and also the bearer of the look does find its way back into the picture by the end of the film. It is Esteban the second who creates the miracle at the end of the film, when his HIV passed on by sister Rosa, is neutralized. However we must realise that this comes from a child dependant on the other the women in the film and that his HIV miracle is from the utopian of his gender dissident mothers. A key character in this film which we can interpret in many different ways and use to look at Almodovars work as a whole is that of Agrado. She is the lead transvestite character in the film and still bears the male hood of a penis. Almodovar uses Agrado to go against the convention of traditional cinema. Like so many other lead transvestites in film Agrado does not seek camouflage or the suppression of herself. She does not pretend to be anything else but what she is and this is how she gains her affirmation. The topic of Transgender is one which falls under harsh debate and with relation to drag has its place in films. Topics about the body and gender in relation to transgender and drag will help us to reconsider such concepts which, in this film, are overlaid throughout the whole film. Transgender is. as expected, one factor that has led to a reconstruction of views and theories in relation to gender. As Butler says in Gender Trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identify (1990) imitating gender, a drag queen reveals the imitative structure of gender as well as its contingency. It is hard to pick up on or read Almodovars transgender characters especially in relation to Agrado. Butler goes on to cite that of Esther Newton where Newton describes the drag as a double inversion where by the appearance is an illusion. The external appearance is feminine to the eye but the interior is very much masculine but the same can be said vice versa. With this is mind we cannot take Agrado as either a man or a women; in fact her position between the two provides the dramatic escape from the male gaze that is intended. Agrado, however, still portrays the characteristics of a man especially with her speech when the play is cancelled. She is unashamed with her body and explains that her authenticity comes from the production of herself that she has created. Even though Agrado is not your conventional drag cabaret esque, she is a type of gender parody as Butler explains. Agr ado becomes this parody of the original; that of the normal gender identification. Butler explains that it is a production which, in effect that is, in its effect postures as an imitation. Agrado is merely an imitation of a women and an imitation of a man. We somewhat feel sided with Agrado though with her openness and he disregard for peoples approval. Although this is somewhat because of the comical portrayal given by the actor. However, even though Agrado is somewhat a parody and an imitation, Butler argues still that maybe all gender is just an act. in other ritual social dramas, the action of gender requires a performance that is repeated. which leads her on to This repetition is at once a re-enactment and re-experiencing of a set of meanings already socially established. With this in mind we can take Agrados representation in the film as one for both men and women. The male still receives some of the male gaze as it were but it is mimicked by the act of the drag.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What is A Room With A View about? Essay example -- English Literature

What is A Room With A View about, in your opinion? What methods does E.M. Forster use to convey this message to the reader? A Room With A View is about the social change occurring in England in the early 20th century, post Queen Victoria's death. Darwin had just published his book on the theory of evolution which was the catalyst for the introduction of more liberal and secular ideas into a conservative and religious England. In order to explain this process of change, Forster likens it to the Renaissance, which is why it is significant that A Room With A View begins in Italy. The problem with a rapidly changing society is that members of that society do not necessarily know how to behave because the boundaries are changing and this is what Forster is trying to portray in A Room With A View. Every character in the novel can be categorised into one of two groups, the Victorian/Medieval characters and the 20th Century/Renaissance characters. Certain characters symbolise different periods. However, Forster is skilful enough to make these characters realistic which is why they are capable of contradiction; for quite a few characters, the reader believes that they belong to one of these groups but then their behaviour is suddenly contrary to that group thus confusing the reader as to what period they symbolise. For example Miss Bartlett is immediately perceived by the reader as a 'Victorian' because in the first chapter she refuses Mr Emerson's generosity because she feels it would be improper to accept. However at the end of the novel, the reader is made aware that Miss Bartlett purposefully does not interrupt a conversation between Lucy and Mr Emerson, perfectly aware that he could persuade Lucy to admi..., where people believed in love, but despise those defied convention to marry for love. His novel is successful at doing this because it glorifies passion and impulsiveness; he mocks those symbolising convention such as Cecil, Mr Eager and Miss Bartlett and endorses those that represent love and liberalisation. Cecil doesn't just represent convention he also represents 'culture'. Lucy and George marry in the end to everyone's surprise because it is Forster's hope to encourage romance. Although Forster's novel is dealing with specific events occurring in English history it never the less remains a novel which is still enjoyed today because it deals with the universal theme that love conquers all. The characters are creations that live today just as they did as when the novel was first published, because they are so realistic and familiar to the reader.

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Arguments based on emotion work in different media by getting the audience to feel a sense of what the advertiser is trying to convey. The effectiveness of these arguments differ based on the promoter and what they are trying to present. For example, if the promoter is trying to get a message across through a book, they have to include something that might interest readers. Unlike books, if they are trying to advertise something through television, they include something that might interest people who like watching T.V. , such as â€Å"couch potatoes† etc. The approach for magazines is different. If someone is already reading a magazine they are in for ads therefore it is much easier to grab their attention. However, arguments based on emotion vary significantly on websites. You can go from a positive response to an extremely negative response in a few seconds, therefore you must be careful. Certain things an ad might portray may go against what someone believes and will insti gate hate† comments which technically may not deserve that type of classification.Others may be able to receive the emotion the ad is trying to present and therefore the ad can be successful. Newspapers are an emotionally colder source than television news in my perspective because when you are watching the news, the reporters can sound a little enthusiastic, delivering the news in a hopeful manner. When reading the newspaper, you can only Interpret It how you envision It and so If the tone of the paper Is depressing, then It would be emotionally colder.

Friday, November 8, 2019

my hawaiin side essays

my hawaiin side essays Ive been many places in my life of 18 years. Ive done many things, seen many people. I participate in family functions, am involved with the State Tribes Tournament team (, and have been involved with numerous other clubs and teams. Basketball, soccer, chess, tennis; you name it, Ive probably done it. I traveled frequently with my parents until age 12, when I was old enough to say I was tired of it. There was one place I hadnt been, however, one place I wanted to go to. It was Hawaii. Ever since I was little, I always turned my parents down when they gave me the opportunity to go to Hawaii. I made up some stupid excuse, none of which I can remember. I dont know why I did it, either. My fathers side of the family has all lived there at one time or another, and not seeing what could have shaped my current family in my current opinion was asinine on my part. Why didnt I go to find this? That all changed, however, in the summer of 1999, when I visited Hawaii for the first time. One thing interested me very much, and I have chosen to write this paper after it. It is the Hawaiian monarchy. I didnt know it until my later years, but my aunt was a caretaker at Queen Emmas Palace on Oahu. Many people are interested in this, a group in fact, and I am one of them. No, I dont belong to any formal membership-type groups about this subject, but rather like to learn about it on my own. Being an introvert by nature, I appreciate this. I remember visiting Queen Emmas palace on Oahu with my parents. We drove up in our rental car, a Ford Taurus I believe, and I was amazed to see how small the palace was. It was no bigger than two classrooms, with a new gift shop added to the side. We entered the palace, and were stunned to find not Hawaiian-style furnishings, but rather traditional Victorian dcor. I was captivated. I had n...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog National Book Critics Circle FinalistsAnnounced

National Book Critics Circle FinalistsAnnounced Its award season, not just for movies, but for books as well. Yesterday, the National Book Critics Circle announced its finalists for the 2012 publishing year.   Since 1976, the   National Book Critics Circle has given the award in order to promote the  finest books and reviews published in English.   The American organization has selected thirty books eligible for a total of six prizes.   Those six categories are  autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Two of the titles in contention have already received much critical and popular acclaim, Katherine Boos   Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity.   and Billy Lynns Long Halftime Walk  Ã‚  by Ben Fountain Other Fiction Finalists: Laurent Binet’s  HHhH, about the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich Zadie Smith’s London-set  NW Adam Johnson’s  The Orphan Master’s Son, a frightening look into  Kim Jong Il’s North Korea. (Both Fountain’s  Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk and  Ã‚  Binet’s  HHhH  are first novels.) Biographies Robert A. Caro’s  The Passage of Power: The Years of Lyndon Johnson   Tom Reiss’s  The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo  , about General Dumas, father of the famous novelist Lisa Cohen’s  All We Know: Three Lives   about early 20th-century trend setters Esther Murphy, Mercedes de Acosta and Madge Garland Lisa Jarnot’s  Robert Duncan,  The Ambassador from Venus: A Biography Autobiography My Poets  by  Maureen N. McLane Swimming Studies by  Leanne Shapton The Distance Between Us  by  Reyna Grande In the House of the Interpreter  by  NgÃ… ©gÄ © wa Thiong’o House of Stone: A Memoir of Home, Family, and a Lost Middle East  by  Anthony Shadid Poetry   Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations  by  David Ferry Useless Landscape, or A Guide for Boys  by  D. A. Powell Olives: Poems (Triquarterly)  by A.E. Stallings Non-fiction Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity  by Andrew Solomon Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic  by  David Quammen For a complete list of finalists, click here. The winners will be announced on  Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 6:00 p.m.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Learning about DSM-IV TR Multiaxial System Assignment

Learning about DSM-IV TR Multiaxial System - Assignment Example Therefore he tells them that they should not make his penalty a light one. Father Gabriel takes Mendoza’s arsenal and has them linked in a satchel. He then connects the satchel across Mendoza’s hips. Though thoughtful, he delivers Mendoza to go up the Iguazu drops over and over again. Mendoza, bitter but extremely proud, refuses to take support and continues with the climbing of the drops. He lastly breaks and yowls out to God. One of the monks makes an effort to launch him from the struggling by untying the satchel from his hips so that he gets released from his penance. Mendoza however, reties the satchel. He states that he does not search for absolution from the clergyman but rather from the tribe. On this event, one group participant comes and reduces the satchel. He gets released from his penance. To indicate the tribe’s absolution, the shield gets tossed to the drops. Mendoza continues to create vows of chastity, hardship and behavior. He then becomes a Jes uit and gets approved by the same Indians he used to kidnap. Rodrigo Mendoza is first brought forth as a retched and ruthless man who oppresses the natives in a land where he himself is but a visitor. He kidnaps the natives and sells them to other rich retched farmers without any regard to the natives’ future or even to how the relatives of the kidnapped native will cope. He therefore gives out a negative aurora and causes great unrest to the native tribe. We learn that Rodrigo has a brother by the name Felipe Mendoza and a fiancà ©e called Carlotta. Rodrigo Mendoza shows a complete reverse of the previous personality depicted earlier. He shows great love and concern for the two. This is a complete flip of his attitude towards the rest of the tribe. These two additional individuals are included in order to compare the two that Rodrigo Mendoza shows. As much as

Friday, November 1, 2019

Multimedia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multimedia - Essay Example Digital information refers to the system of information based on discontinuous data or events. In addition, digital literacy defines the overall ability of identifying, utilizing, evaluating, creating, and manipulating information using digital technology, which incorporates the use of discrete and discontinuous values. Such data is expressed in terms of strings of zeroes and ones i.e. 0’s and 1’s, where each of these state digits being referred as a binary digit (Anon, 2009). The emergence of digital information has resulted in the introduction of and adoption of digital technology, which has provided innovations such as digital computers, laptops, digital cameras, iPads, and other digital electronics that have enhanced the digital information processing, and dissemination of digital information. The computing machines distinguish and use only the two binary values of 0’s and 1’s. Digital literacy has been adopted within the higher education because of th e technology change and the need for information access. Higher education includes tertiary institutions such as Colleges, Universities among others. Such institutions have vast number of individuals who need to access more information in terms of research, and within their studying environments to complete assignments and projects. Availability of the internet and networking technologies has efficiently enabled the access, distribution, and communication among individuals using digital literacy. Benefits of digital literacy Digital technology has led to the growth and constant adoption of digital literacy, which has promoted the following benefits. It has enabled majority of the individuals within the higher learning institutions to have constant access to information concerning their courses, performing online assessments and assignments for their academic progress. Learning course materials have been easily uploaded on the major academic sites including the various blackboard sit es for institutions for the students to easily access information, perform online assignments, and submit results for assessment. This has reduced the bulkiness of paperwork within the learning environment and reduced the time required for completion of assignments by both the students and their lecturers. Digital literacy has enabled individuals to make plans, chat with friends, get news concerning academics and the entire world, perform constant downloads for books, software, movies and music from online music stores, and access online shopping through e-commerce sites and companies (Anon, 2009). The technology has increased learner effectiveness, efficiency, engagement, and development of positive student attitudes towards learning. There has been a change in the student behavior in terms of readiness to learning, and integration of the students in the learning process of digital literacy (Underwood, 2009). Technology use Digital literacy technology can be adopted in classroom se ssions by using computing machines (personal computers and portable laptops, iPads among others) which are connected to output devices such as projectors, which output the information. The course materials including lecture notes, assignments, and student results are uploaded on the institution’s intranet, including the e-learning blackboard site and easily downloaded for use in the classrooms with students. In the workplace, such technology can be adopted through various forms such as uploading the information on the company’s site to be accessed only by authorized staff members. Also through conferencing, using digital cameras enables individuals far from their workplace to communicate and virtual conduct meetings with the present members at the offices within the company. Technology implications Digital technology